Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My GK match-up predictions

I wrote a article over at Bell of Lost Souls on all the GK matchups.  Please take a look at the article here.  I'll write the short-hand donation here and you guys can agree/disagree with me.  Be as vocal as you can because I love seeing other people's point of view.

GK = Marines (SW, BA, Vanilla)
GK > Chaos Daemons
GK < Dark Eldar
GK < Eldar
GK < Imperial Guard
GK > Necrons
GK > Orks
GK < Tau
GK >= Tyranids
GK < Witch Hunters

5 equal matchups
4 favorable matchups
5 unfavorable matchups

In short, I think we'll see the metagame shift towards plasma weaponry because elite armies with small model counts do not mix well with Plasma Cannons.  I know this, in every sense of the word because of 4th Ed. Dual Lash with max Oblits.  Dark Eldar also ripped me a new one in 4th and I think we'll see the same amount of damage done this time around.  Mech Tau just eats elite MEQ for breakfast, Eldar will be very strong still and Mech IG is just lol.  Witch Hunters is still a very competitive codex, don't let anyone tell you differently.

Go read the article, come back and let me know what you guys think.  I'm eagerly waiting your replies.