I've taken him a few times and in the games I've used him, he has rarely died. He has always made his points back in the games where I've taken him.. killing tens of Plague Marines, Tyranid Warriors or Wraithguard, he's always a great buy. A lot of the players in my club are complaining that he might be too powerful; I agree with them. The fact that he can't be picked out in combat and is always swinging at targets of opportunity (such as ICs) is ludicrous. That S10 hammer threatens everything in the game and nothing is safe from it. I normally take him in a squad of 10x Grey Hunters w/ 2x Meltaguns, Mark of the Wulfen and a Wolf Standard. The fact that I can use Wolf Standard in conjunction with Arjac is also pretty funny. Being able to re-roll failed Terminator saves of 2+ or SS saves of 3++ is quite entertaining.
I think in every game I've taken him, he's killed triple his cost. If that's not a good buy, I don't know what is!