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Time to pew pew! |
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The funniest thing about all this is that no matter who wins the grudge match, this is great for the community overall. There's a lot of coverage, a lot of input, a lot of people being hyped about the game. and it's going to be great fun. Other fellow bloggers want to get involved and cover the event, and this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in an online community. Shit, I think I might even run the game on my Twitch channel just so I can record it in real time and talk about the game and my thought process as I'm playing it.
Here is his list:
Dodonna the Oppressor wave 4
Author: Lyraeus
Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 386/400
Commander: General Dodonna
Assault Objective: ???
Defense Objective: ???
Navigation Objective: ???
MC30c Scout Frigate (69 points)
- Admonition ( 8 points)
- Intel Officer ( 7 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 100 total ship cost
MC30c Scout Frigate (69 points)
- Intel Officer ( 7 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 92 total ship cost
[ flagship ] CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- General Dodonna ( 20 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
= 71 total ship cost
CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- Intel Officer ( 7 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
= 58 total ship cost
GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Bright Hope ( 2 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- Slicer Tools ( 7 points)
= 33 total ship cost
GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Quantum Storm ( 1 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- Slicer Tools ( 7 points)
= 32 total ship cost
Here is my list:
Author: HERO
Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 382/400
Commander: Admiral Ackbar
Assault Objective: ???
Defense Objective: ???
Navigation Objective: ???
[ flagship ] MC80 Command Cruiser (106 points)
- Admiral Ackbar ( 38 points)
- Home One ( 7 points)
- Intel Officer ( 7 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
- X17 Turbolasers ( 6 points)
- Leading Shots ( 4 points)
= 183 total ship cost
Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
- X17 Turbolasers ( 6 points)
= 92 total ship cost
CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- Jaina's Light ( 2 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
= 53 total ship cost
2 YT-2400s ( 32 points)
2 A-Wing Squadrons ( 22 points)
Alright folks, take your bets. Here is what the pre-match forumites have to say! Thanks Madaghmire for the write-up. Personally, I'm really looking forward to playing this and repping MC80 players everywhere. I even prepared a soundboard to use on gameday.
I had reserved a write up space higher but so much has come down so I'll leave it here;
Matchup of the Moment: Dodonna the Oppressor Vs. Big Fish
The Portland Pulverizer takes on the So-Cal Strangler in alliterative anarchy! Help, Help I’m being Oppressed takes on a film I did not see in theatres! Come see the violence inherent in the system!
I don’t want to talk much about the lists themselves, because the designers of both have already gone on to great lengths about what each list is designed to do. Or at least Hero has on his blog. I’m not sure if Lyr has ever even mentioned his list. Instead, I’m going to focus on the matchup.
What’s working for Lyraeus and his top secret list;
- Activations! At a commanding 6 activations, Lyr has the potential to really set the tempo of the match.
- Deployments: Lyr has only a slight edge at 6 deployments to 5, but it means he can hold his big hitters in reserve until he sees how Hero wants to set up. This becomes especially true if Hero decides to play first, as then Lyr would have 2 deployments where he has a complete picture of Hero’s deployment.
- If Hero’s list were a cake, it would be Fudgey the Whale, and DtO is extremely well suited to go whaling. Lots of guaranteed damage and Intel Officer means Hero will have to manage his use of defense tokens extremely well. Additionally, Dodonna helps makes sure that any APT crits that come up come up nasty, and the wrong one could be disastrous.
- Slicer Tools: Hero has no command dial manipulation, but he does take Engine Techs on his MC80 to give it that extra bit of speed and maneuverability. He’ll have at least one, possibly two turns of nav to use as a buffer, but assuming he has a token banked he will only be able to count on that one token’s worth of Engine Tech use. Alternatively, if Lyr manages to put say, a Depowered Armament on Ole Fudgey, he could slice away any hope of repair. (Slice away? Get it? Cuz Fudgey is a cake! My daughter hates me.)
- Sending waves and waves of his own men until the kill bots meet their quota- It’s silly but it’s true, a little bitty transport can block a big ole Star Cruiser. Positioning is key.
Hero’s Never Die! And here’s why;
- Initiative! I think we all agree that initiative is good to have. Sun Tzu said so, and who am I to argue with Sunny T? It’s particularly good in this case, because DtO really, really wants to go first. And Hero can completely take that away. Alternatively, if he just feels super great about his objectives then he can force Lyr to pick from them. The important thing is that it’s his call.
- Squadrons: Hero has a couple! I guess. He doesn’t have any bombers, but he has 4 very fast black dice that don’t much of anything to fear on the other side of the board. The Yt’s, in particular, will be able to start buzzing around quickly. I predict he gets 4-5 attacks with the YT’s and 2-3 from the A’s. Which can be a nice bump in damage if he’s able to apply it in the right spot.
- XI7’s- Oh man, this card is basically a giant foam middle finger to MC30’s. Also not fun for CR90’s.
- Home One- While not terribly effective against the redundant defense tokens of the MC30’s, it does a great job of mitigating blank rolls from the AFMK2, and allows both the AFMK2 and CR90 to slap down those pesky slicer tool laden transports without fear of scatter.
- Phylon Slacker Beams- Normally a lovely add, the points Lyr invested on tractor transports are practically dead weight in this one, as only the TRC90 is a viable target. They could still work out great and lock Jaina’s Light down in the dark might or force Hero to spam a nav or two he would rather have been Conc Fire, but I think that they are going to wind up seeing little action in this one.
- One Shot Popping- Ackbar and Xi7’s mean that Lyr could lose any ship in a single blow from Fudgey the Unsatiable. The AFMK2 is also a threat to one shot a corvette, although the dice would have to be hot.
So who wins? We all do, because anytime you get a little hype behind a match between two good players like this, it’s fun for everyone. But I guess I should keep It to the competitors;
Lyr wins if- He can leverage his activation advantage and damage modifiers to take Home One or the AFMK out early without significant losses.
Hero wins if- He can avoid taking massive MC30 broadsides in his front arc.
Good luck to both players, hope everyone enjoyed the write up!
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