Thursday, February 28, 2013

Finalizing my Demons list

Time to finalize.

Now that we know what the Banners and Icons do, I think it's time to finish off this army list with some stuff. I've definitely decided to go with a pure Slaanesh and Tzeentch army, and kept only the units I liked visually. Honestly, when playing Daemons, I don't think you can take things too seriously with so many random effects going off left and right.  I think this is going to be a very good book, although the first couple of tidbits made us all very worried.

Here is what the list looks like currently:


Lv.3 Telepathy Keeper of Secrets = 270
2 Greater Gifts, 1 Lesser Gift

Lv.3 Divination Herald of Tzeentch = 120

Herald of Slaanesh = 85
1 Lesser Gift, Exalted Locus

Herald of Slaanesh = 85
1 Lesser Gift, Exalted Locus

Masque of Slaanesh = 75

20x Daemonettes (Slaanesh Banner, IoC) = 210
20x Daemonettes (Banner, IoC) = 190
10x Daemonettes = 90
10x Daemonettes = 90

9x Screamers = 225

9x Flamers of Tz (Pyrocaster) = 212

Tz Chariot (Blue Horror) = 110
Tz Chariot (Blue Horror) = 110
Tz Chariot (Blue Horror) = 110

Other possible units to add and try:
20x Seekers of Slaanesh, Slaanesh Banner, Instrument of Chaos
led by a Herald on a Seeker, with Seduction and an lesser gift

What do you guys think of the list?  Any suggestions on what I can add/try?


  1. what happened to the keeper of secrets? I really liked your last post. Just as you introduced this post you must take demons with a grain of salt and embrace the randomness. If it were me I would stay true to my original intention and stick with a keeper of seecrets.

  2. I think I read somewhere that The Masque isn't counted as a herald anymore, so that bit might not work. Looks pretty cool otherwise.

  3. What bit? She just comes down and makes something happens to an non-vehicle unit within 12". She has 3 dances, check out the previous rumor thread on have on this site to see what she does!

  4. The Keeper of Secrets is right there :) Lv.3 Telepathy KoS!

  5. Why flamers? s4 ap4 template is kind of meh, especially with the range restriction of the latest FAQ applied...note they seem to have lost Warpfire.

  6. Whoa what was I smoking, thought I saw a tzentch greater daemon as your main HQ. That all aside, I'm glad you seem fired up with the new codex. There seems to have been a malaise across the 40k blogosphere with 6th edition and its good to see an old stand by writing positive articles again!.

  7. They're there to supply ranged anti-infantry. S4 AP4 is meh, true, but I don't mind having them for diversity than filling the board up with Skysharks!

  8. Yeah, a lot of doom and gloom as of late. Just play the game and enjoy :)

  9. Min size of the Daemonettes is 10?

  10. Is it? I'm asking now.. it was 5 before.

    Update on Screamers:
    SoubaFebruary 28, 2013 at 12:15 PM

    got to correct myself here regarding screamers. they GOT nerfed :

    profile is the same but their CC attacks are s 4 ap - now with 3 attacks in profile.
    they can exchange all of their attacks for a a single S 5 ap 2 Armorbane attack.

  11. All troops min size is 10.

    Screamers still have same Warp Jaws, S5 AP2 Melee Armorbane. Still 25 points. Fear not. :)

  12. I stand corrected, you're right about's 3 S4 AP- or 1 S5 AP2 Armorbane.

  13. Well, time to change the list around slightly.
    Looks like Fiends are getting cut.

  14. I don't think it's too bad though.. you still get 2A on the charge. I guess 3 S5 AP2 attacks were kind of over the top :P Now with Prescience, you're netting around the same amount of wounds.
