Saturday, January 29, 2011

Having fun with some fun lists

I've been playing a good amount of 40K over Vassal lately and I've having a good time.  The reason why is because the players aren't uber competitive and I'm getting a lot of play with fluffier and more casual armies.  I have no idea what this means.  Does this mean I'm losing my competitive edge?  Or does this mean I'm seeing 40K as more of a fun game than competitive one?  I don't think its neither because I still follow the same min-maxing mentality with every army I build.  Even though most (if not all) of my lists are min-maxed to all hell, they follow a theme.

Check out the lists I've been rolling with lately:

12 kp

Swarmlord = 280
+2x Tyrant Guard (Lashwhips) = 130

10x Genestealers (Toxin) = 160
15x Genestealers = 210
11x Termagaunts = 55
+Trevigon (Toxin, Catalyst) = 185
11x Termagaunts = 55
+Trevigon (Toxin, Catalyst) = 185

3x Hive Guard = 150
3x Hive Guard = 150

Trygon Prime = 240
Trygon = 200

Keep in mind that I've also played with a list that dropped the Tyrant Guard + Trygons for 3x Dakka Fexes in 1 unit.  Boy, those things sure rock face.  You take 2x Devourers with Brainleech on each one and they're putting out 36 Twin-linked S6 shots at BS3.  On average, you're looking at something like ~24 wounds on MEQ per round from a 24" threat range.  As if that isn't enough, you throw in FNP on them and you're looking at 12W at T6 3+ that you need to roll through.  Each one of them is S9 and have 4 attacks each, so once you get in combat with one, you're getting in combat with all of them.  No one wants 12 S9 hits back at them no matter who you are.  Sure, the stupid unit costs 540 points because of their stupid nerf, but they're still putting out ridiculous damage.

Another list that I've been having fun with is..

14 kp

Dante = 225
Librarian (JP, MB) = 125

10x ASM (PF, 2x Meltaguns) = 235
10x ASM (PF, 2x Meltaguns) = 235
10x Tacticals (DP, PF, PGun, PCannon) = 245

2x Sanguinary Priest (JP) = 150
Furioso Dreadnought (DP, EA) = 175
Furioso Dreadnought (DP, EA) = 175

Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145

Check that out fellas, rocking the Dante over the Mephiston.  Dante isn't the best choice in the world, but he's one of the more fun and fluffy characters that adds a different dimension of gameplay.  The 3 Drop Pods is there so 2 of them can come down on turn 1.  Guess who comes down?  The Furiosos of course!  The idea deployment sees 2 Dreads drop down, 3 Baals push forward and 2 squads of full power large squad ASM rolling at them with Shield of Sanguinius ready to go.  With so much threat pushed against you so quickly, the opponent sweats, makes mistakes and allows his army to get rolled by your superior cunning.  Dante can take his squad in with Tactical Precision if the need calls for it, or if you can't find any good targets of opportunity on turn 1, or you can choose to withhold your army and let the Furiosos pressure the opponent while you drop in and outflank with Baals.  I don't recommend this unless your opponent is really bunkered in and is loaded with heavy artillery that you absolutely need to drop on to.

As if that isn't enough, I'm also playing my Death Guard:

10 kp

Typhus = 225

10x Plague Marines (Rhino, PF/Icon, 2x Melta) = 330
10x Plague Marines (Rhino, PF/Icon, 2x Melta) = 330
10x Plague Marines (Rhino, PF/Icon, 2x Melta) = 330

8x Terminators (Champ/CF, MoN, HF, 5x CbM) = 335

3x Obliterators = 225
3x Obliterators = 225

This is definitely not the best list, but it's fluffy as all hell and very fun.  Typhus isn't terrible really:  He has T4(5) and his 2+/5++ FNP 4W really gives him a lot of staying power.  His psychic abilities are also really useful:  Winds of Chaos is a template weapon that wounds/glances on 4+ and ignores armor saves.  The best part is that there's no stopping it, it just happens.  All of Typhus' psychic powers are cast automatically.  Nurgle's Rot is his other ability and it's surprisingly awesome at killing horde units trying to swarm him.  Typhus goes with the big squad of Terminators and they can either DS in near a Icon or be deployed on the field.  The Oblits gives some much needed anti-tank coverage and Typhus' Terminators are really fluffy and awesome.  I can't wait for another CSM codex, I want a better set of evil marines.

In short, if you're looking for some fun games, go download Vassal 40K and play some games online with me.  You can find everything you need here.


  1. Yeah! Death Guard, my other, other, other, favorite Chaos faction!

  2. Haha I saw you rolling that TWC list on vassal yesterday... my profile name is Incognito if you remember.

    We should do a game sometime

  3. Yeah, that list was pretty balls. I don't like TWC.. they're too 1-dimensional and doesn't present a lot of options. That list also didn't have a Rune Priest and I felt naked in psychic defense. I'm never leaving home without a RP again.

  4. It's a program that lets you play 40K online on your computer. Follow the link at the end of my post and follow the directions there.

  5. How would you go about creating a Deathwing list taking advantage of the recent FAQ release? I was thinking something like this.

    1. Belial with LC
    2. Command Squad with standard and Apoc all with TH/SS, LC with CML thrown in
    2. Terminator Core, 3 with TH/SS, 1 with LC & CML, Sergeant with Chainfist.
    3. Perhaps one or two squads outfitted with Storm Bolters and PF and a LC with CML for some more anti horde power?
    4.Asscannon/Melta Ven Dreads with heavy flamers
    5. Ravenwing Bikers blinged out with melta for greater reliability for deathwing assault if needed?

    That's just what I was thinking would be good. I'm still working out how to outfit the termies and what is better for Belial, SS/TH, or LC?

  6. It could be a case of certain min/maxed configurations lining up with the "official" fluff more then anything else.
