Sunday, June 21, 2015

Finally, an update

I'm Samurai all the way.

Sorry for the lack of posts guys, a lot has been going on in my life.  WHFB has fell a little silent in my area, I just got rid of my huge Tyranids army, played a single game of 40K last week, but before then, I haven't been gaming much at all.  I got a new job and things have been pretty busy for me between work and a lot of traveling.

My new big obsession won't come out for another couple of months.  If you guys missed the preview of "For Honor" at E3, I highly suggest you guys check it out.  It's basically a pumped up, smoother version of Chivalry, but with much better graphics and 3 factions to play with:  Knights, Vikings and Samurai.  You can catch the gameplay video here, and the trailer for the game here.  Once that game comes out, you won't be seeing me for a very long time.

What have you guys been up to?  What games have you been playing?  I'm thinking about playing some X-Wing this Tuesday at the minis club, or maybe even some Warmachine.


  1. So much awesome...

    The Dynasty Warriors fan in me overloads...

    Thank you for enlightening this lowly creature to the glory of this game. Now to find the money for a PS4. Anybody want a Space Wolves army cheap? (^_~)*

  2. I beat witcher 3. Best game I've ever played.

  3. Yes, play WM. Then write about your current thoughts 😉
