Wednesday, February 25, 2015

DE: Double CAD Lynx

Time to serve up some Eldar justice.

Hey fellas, I've decided to make a list to combat the emerging Necron threat that's been plaguing my area. Have you guys seen the new book?  Some of their core mechanics seem absolutely bonkers.  Why is it that they never die and can re-roll to get up so many times?

I'm only building with the elements that I have available to me since I don't feel like buying additional models to make it happen.  The only thing I'm going to be custom building is that Farseer on Jetbike.  I need to get some of those new Harlequins masks man!

15 KP

CAD #1
Farseer, Jetbike, Spear, Mantle = 160

5x Dire Avengers, Holo/Scatter/SC = 210
5x Dire Avengers, Holo/Scatter/SC = 210

Nightwing = 145

Lynx, Scatter = 430

CAD #2
Archon, Blaster, Haywire = 80

5x Warriors, Blaster, Raider Lance/AS = 120
5x Warriors, Blaster, Raider Lance/AS = 120

Ravager, Lances = 125
Ravager, Lances = 125
Ravager, Lances = 125

The Dark Eldar are there to supply the additional Lances while the Lynx + Telepathy Seer does the heavy lifting in the list.  With the Scatter Laser, I can make my Pulsar Twin-Linked for some serious 2x Strength D 5" templates of doom.

I'm not sure how this will play out since it's using MSU mechanics but with one big centralized target to deal the majority of the damage.  Someone brought up that I should think about a Skyshield Landing Pad for a 4++, but that defeats the notion that I'll be moving around everywhere with the Lynx and the Jetseer.

Thoughts? I'm very curious.


  1. Crons around here usually have quite some flyers with them and you have no tool to delay your nightwing...

  2. It's fine, I don't really mind it. Since the Nightwing has Vector Dancer, you can always just hug the board edge on your side and Jink for 2+ if he shoots at it. Gotta sac something to fit all the toys in.

  3. On necrons...learn the key elements of their formations, attack them first. Many of their new rerolls and bonuses resolve around a single character, or single model. Kill that and the bonuses disappear.

    The skyshield landing platform is to prevent the lynx from blowing up on turn 1. It is not particularly durable when enemy firepower is directly solely at it.

  4. I was wondering if terrain was sparse or whether or not they didn't utilize their other units to push T1 DS threats out of range. DE ships are fantastic at pushing drop pods out of range, and forcing mishaps on bad scatters due to your own placement and placement of terrain. The long hulls and cheap points makes that turn 1 melta drop seemingly meaningless. Oh, you drop on this? Since your out of range from anything that matters, here's a cheap ass Raider and a 4+ Jink you can shoot at.

  5. Posted a photo for you (awaiting moderation).

    I know some escalation traits allow for "no scatter" when deep striking next to a Lord of war.

  6. Cool dude, I saw the pictures. The terrain looks pretty good, but even with "no scatter", you can deploy in a way to push out meltas because of the "can't be within" (range of enemy model) and "must place models around" (DS clause) and "if model cannot be placed" (table edge). For example, imagine a formation of DE boats forming a diagonal square around the Lynx. You can even do this with 3 models if you have terrain/board edge to your advantage. T1 DS is the last thing I would worry about, the alpha strike from an opposing LoW makes more sense to me. Thanks for the help man, I dig it, really.

  7. No prob man, enjoyed the discussion. You are completely right about bubble wrapping! Just something to be aware of. I'd imagine the skyshield wouldn't help too much if the D weapon rolled a 6 though! (happened to poor brass scorp in finals!)

  8. Yup! If the target moved at all, you only "truly" hit the damn thing on a 4+. If it was stationary, you hit it on 3+.

  9. Haha that is awesome. "Looks at 770 point stompa" WHY don't you have this buddy! :) I didn't know the lynx had that...guess people want to be sure and take the skyshield. I can see less of a need for it now!

  10. Agreed, new crons take the absolute p*#$ give them the delicious d-pie to eat !

    I recently acquired a lynx as a hard counter for broke crons and imperial knights.

    l don't see the value in the seer. What is his purpose ? Lynx two links itself ...

    you can generate a cover save for your lynx with serpents etc anyway which does almost the same job as the theoretical shield but for free.

    I don't really get the DE element either, I guess lance spam has some use vs crons?

    I'm not keen on nightwings, yes ludicrous jink save but if you are jinking the shooting is poop the weapons don't compliment either except on lighter targets , personally I'd ditch the seer and the wing (probably the DE unless you can convince me of their usefulness) grab an autarch and a crimbo hunter exarch

  11. Why does the lynx have to be on table to get shot at ? If I'm going first I'd likely deploy it and use terrain and or serps to generate cover . Otherwise if going second I'd bung it in reserve , I never go without an autarch anyway 2+ reserve is simply too useful the way I play eldar.

  12. Fairer than void shields , which essentially ignore x amount of hits before any damage is resolved on the titan. Eldar jobbies can fail the very first save.

  13. You can just use other tanks or terrain to give it cover , you retain mobility and stack saves without coughing for a sky shield

  14. I can't convince you obviously, because anything more Eldar will be better than DE :P

  15. Yup that's pretty much it, honestly though , swap out the seer for an autarch , have some more points to play with and the reserves manipulation is gold with a flyer of any kind.

    it's a shame , DE needed more this edition than they got tbh, necrons got more than they needed , thats GW for you ...
