Monday, November 24, 2014

OMG The End Times Khaine leaks!

Bat shit crazy powerful.

Have you seen this guys?  Absolute craziness.

I'll just leave this here..
Power overwhelming..

The one true king has returned..

..and his beautiful wife!

For one, I'm happy that Malekith reunites the Elves and is crowned as the true Phoenix King.  That's right, I said it.

PS - Fuck you GW for making this only 500 copies.  That shit literally sold out 5 minutes after I got the email.  So yes, I will torrent your shitty ass business model once someone puts it online instead of giving you my money.  Dipshits.


  1. I got me a copy! Very excited for Saturday!

  2. Please scan it and upload it for everyone else past the 500 lucky ones..

  3. wow... seriously? going crazy about the fact you can't get a hardback copy when there's digital available now, and soon enough softback?

    People mentionned it before, GW didnt expect these to sell this fast, and it was printed awhile ago, so might not be that easy for them to reprint them....

  4. First, I like the hard back versions of these books. Second, I like having the physical copy in my hand and on my shelf. Third, GW are a bunch of incompetent idiots from a business perspective. If I wanted a digital copy, it will be a free PDF that will be online in the next week or so.

  5. The digital versions are not cheap enough to make up for the fact that they aren't nice to use.

    And honestly, my goodwill with GW is on such a knife edge now that shit like short printing these hardbacks and then only shaving a fiver off for the soft backs has made me do a complete 180 on this range. I visited my local GW twice in the month or so after it came out, willing and ready to slap down £50 for a copy of end times nagash. Despite having a pdf. But of course they didn't have any and couldn't even order me one.
    I was planning on getting a soft back when I heard it was on the way a few weeks back.
    Now I'm just not going to bother.

  6. 500 copies? Oh dear. I did ask if they would do a re-print but the answer was no. I don't understand it.

    Surely they could say 'Chaps, pre-order and we'll print them for you'. Isn't that the point? A modern printers could churn out thousands a day. The tooling is the hardest bit. Once that's done, it's easy. I've worked in a printers. Hell, we printed Harry Potter. Demand soared, a man arrived and ordered fifty thousand more hardbacks. Printed overnight. In trucks by 4am. I know, as I hauled over a thousand packs of 16 all night long.

    I don't want to pinch it. I don't want a digital version (well, I do, but not a stolen one). I want to read the book.

  7. Yepp, another horrific decision. I don't even play any of the elf races but would happily have parted with my hard earned for a hardback copy. Softback would need to be significantly cheaper to be worthwhile, and there is no way I'll ever purchase a GW pdf, because they're laughably priced.

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  9. As soon as digital sells for 10% of physical, rather than 10% less than physical, then we can discuss that as an option. And I'd be more than willing to bet that those books were printed within the last 30 days.

    What they need to do is to stop going for the bullshit "surprise!" factor and announce stuff with a proper advance notice so they can actually meet customer demand. Short notice and shorter supplier certainly helps to stroke the egos more, but longer notices would stroke the wallet better.

  10. Forced "limited edition" is a publishing tactic meant to drive up demand and promote publicity. It's been incredibly successful for GW, and they are going to keep doing it, as the internet goes berserk over it. The only way it doesn't work, is if everyone ignores it, doesn't talk about it, and doesn't buy into it. That won't ever happen.

    The second the book sells out (in about 22 minutes I think), the internet explodes in rage over it, and everyone ends up just flooding GW with free publicity. (exactly what they wanted).

    People will outcry, say they'll download it off the torrents, yadda yadda yadda. The end result is still the same. They'll sell out of all the limited. Digital sales get a huge boost, and they'll sell thousands of the soft covers.

  11. I don't even know if that's the biggest deal, the new changes to the magic phase are absolutely unreal!

  12. Magic Phase:

    4d6 highest 2 are dispel dice.

    Wizards have access to all spells in their selected lore.

    Lore Master allows you to re-roll all dice when casting a spell.

    When casting a spell roll 1d6, this is the number of power dice you can use to cast the spell.

    Any spell with a casting value under 15+ can be cast repeatedly in a phase as long as a wizard never failed his casting roll with that spell. And his magic level is 3+.

    Some new spells, you can now raise Arcane Fulcrums...

    It's all pretty mind bending, definitely a glimpse into what they are planning for 9th.

    The new interaction with the way spells will be cast is interesting as you have to decide which spell you are going to cast then you get to roll for how many dice you will use to cast it... It's going to seriously mitigate the number of big spells being tossed about me-thinks, but with the removal of Broken Concentration will most likely see smaller spells being spammed...

  13. Sorry, just got to skim through my copy before I got swept up in the current of life!

    Will clarify later...
