Sunday, June 9, 2013

Three Dark Eldar/Eldar lists up for review!

I'm more Archon than Farseer.

Alright guys, it's your turn to review my lists.  I know I show off a lot of lists all the time and talk about them, but I think it's time for you guys to pick one of my lists.  I'll present three and give you guys a decent breakdown of what they have.

*Allied force

First list
17 kp

Farseer (JB, Spear, Mantle) = 160
Succubus (VB) = 70*

5x Dire Avengers (WS/Holo/Scatter/SC) = 210
5x Dire Avengers (WS/Holo/Scatter/SC) = 210
5x Warriors (Venom NS/SC, Blaster) = 135*
5x Jetbikes (SC) = 95
4x Jetbikes (SC) = 78

3x Trueborn (Venom NS/SC, 3x Blasters) = 156*

Crimson Hunter Exarch = 180

Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
Night Spinner (Holofields, SS) = 140
Ravager (NS) = 115*

Alpha Potential: 8x TL Scatters, 6x TL Shurikens (or 2d6 S7 Ignore Cover), 24x Poison shots, 2x S9 AP1 Lances, S8 Monofilament blast, 3x Dark Lances

Main Strength of list: 5x AV12 Grav-Tanks with Holofields, flexible shooting methods.

Main Weakness of list: Lack of scoring bodies.

Second list
18 KP

Farseer (JB, Spear, Mantle) = 160*
Succubus (VB, Haywire) = 75

5x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster) = 130
5x Warriors (Venom NS/SC, Blaster) = 135
5x Warriors (Venom NS/SC, Blaster) = 135
10x Warriors (Raider NS/SR, Blaster, SC) = 195
10x Warriors (Raider NS/SR, Blaster, SC) = 195
5x Rangers = 60*

Crimson Hunter Exarch = 180*

Ravager (NS) = 115
Ravager (NS) = 115
Ravager (NS) = 115
Wraithknight = 240

Alpha Strike: 12x Dark Lances, 24x Poison Shots, 2x S10 AP2 Heavy Wraithcannon shots

Main strength of list: Plentiful poison options and Dark Lance weaponry.  Giant T8 6W 3+ AS Wraithknight that can punch people in the face.

Main Weakness of list: Fragile Dark Eldar core.

Third list
17 KP

Succubus (VB, Haywire) = 75
Farseer (JB, Spear, Mantle) = 160*

5x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster) = 130
5x Warriors (Venom NS/SC, Blaster) = 135
5x Warriors (Venom NS/SC, Blaster) = 135
10x Dire Avengers (WS/Holo/Scatter/SC) = 275*
10x Dire Avengers (WS/Holo/Scatter/SC) = 275*

Crimson Hunter Exarch = 180*

Ravager (NS) = 115
Ravager (NS) = 115
Ravager (NS) = 115
Night Spinner (Holofields, SS) = 140*

Alpha Strike: 10x Dark Lances, 8x TL Scatters, 6x TL Shurikens (or 2d6 S7 Ignore Cover), 24x Poison shots, S8 Monofilament Barrage Large Blast

Main Strength of list: Broad spectrum of heavy weaponry and scoring units, 3x AV12 Grav-tanks in support of Dark Eldar forces.

Main Weakness of list: No giant robot or overwhelming strength.


  1. I personally prefer the first list, but I think the second list could work if you managed to drop the rangers and scrape some points off elsewhere for a couple of squads of jetbikes. This would go a long way towards making it easier for you in objective missions, as the bikes can easily claim objectives anywhere on the board. I like the third list, but I'm not sure it's worthwhile having those two big DA squads. Guardians are drastically cheaper, and fulfill more or less the same role. Personal preference though, they're both good.
    I'd also probably ditch the crimson hunter in all three lists, as I've found that with the maneuverability and guide of eldar, dedicated anti air is kind of unnecessary, but I guess you don't have warwalkers to twinlink, so he might be needed.
    One final thing, looking at your first list, what are the dark eldar supposed to achieve? I keep looking at the list, and the eldar core is solid, but the DE just seem to add a few lances and two venoms. I would have thought that ditching them and adding some more eldar (such as guardians or fire dragons in serpents) would have worked better, but I guess for this article you had to include the DE...

  2. @First List, it gives me the vital 2x Venoms. 2x is the new in for Eldar allies because 2 Venoms gives me 24 Poison shots from 36" that can be guided. That equates to a dead Quad-Gun instantly which allows my CH Ex to come in more readily.

    Unfortunately for me, the CH Ex stays. He's my favorite model from the range and I absolutely love the fluff behind him (Eldar Top Gun!). I know his performance isn't the greatest thing in the world, but I'm more than willing to make him work through superior play.

    The big 10x DA units can be dropped down to 2x 5x and it'll give me another Lanceboat (5x Warriors, Raider NS, Blaster) exactly. I'm going to try out the bigger units of DA because I like the added utility and anti-infantry they have. As you can see, the last list has a good amount of high-end anti-tank, mid-range S6 shooting, but lacks decent anti-infantry killing power. I'm hoping to change that with the DA units. Plus, they're more durable than regular Warriors and can space better range vs. the likes of charging units due to Battle Focus. Also, I love the Dire Avenger Aspect. For me, DA, Spiders and Banshees are the coolest ones.

    God, I'm turning into such a fluff bunny,

  3. I am personally perplexed by the presence of the Succubus even though there is not a single close combat element in sight. For the same cost, you could have an archon with a blaster that could be attached to one of your warrior squads and essentially have the Dark Eldar version of a dual meltagun or attach it to the Trueborns.

    As for lists, I like both the first list and the third list, with a greater preference for the third one.

  4. And fluffwise, if you have Kabal elements exclusively, the leader should be an archon anyway, or a Dracon. :)

  5. What do you think about Autarchs? I almost wouldn't consider taking an expensive crimson hunter if I couldn't somewhat decide when it enters play.

    I am also not sure about the Succubus. I feel an Archon would be better (could ride with blasterborn). I think hemis would normally be a solid HQ except if either of those venoms go down they're probably dead anyway (stupid nerf to FnP). Archons a good alternative, as I've always found that Succubus just tend to die.

  6. Oh man, you make a great a point but whenever I take an Archon, I always want to give him gear! With a Succubus, I don't ever need to give the girl gear. She just stock good.. with the Archon, I want SF, Drugs, Huskblade, Soul Trap. Damn that Blaster!

  7. Autarchs are good, but a Farseer is a better addition to the force. What makes him really stand out is the ability to Guide 2 of any unit; this results in less lances needed and less Venoms to single out and destroy said unit. If I could take an Autarch and not a Succubus or Archon, I would.

    An Archon without protection is just as naked as a Succubus. I think I tend to care less if the Succubus dies for some reason, the Archon feels a bit more precious and needing gear.

  8. That's a good point, the venoms do help make the CH Ex worthwhile. I quite like that neat little bit of synergy there, it gives the DE a role and means the CH Ex has a chance to survive...

    I suppose it's a good point, you are lacking in anti infantry otherwise, something that the DA do provide. And as for DA or Guardians, if your fluff-bunny-ness says you should field DA, then go for it. They are pretty cool, and there isn't that big a difference really

  9. Hey HERO, its Trav/Smurfy: Consider Beastpacks/Spiritseer synergies with Dark Eldar units at all too?

    I mean, I love the Farseer too, but I see the prospects of surprising folks with Mandrakes on Spiritseer buffs (S6 with Furious Charge +Power, Shroud+Stealth, etc)

    Anyways, mostly considering DE main because I like the DE support and the Eldar would bring Anti-Air/specialists.

  10. Yeah, I think DE main is actually best now. Just too many sources of cheap AT and Eldar specialists can fill in the missing parts: Psychic, AA, and if I need, anti-infantry. DE can already do anti-infantry quite well, so that's a double win if I'm going in that direction. The only problem I have with the Beastpacks/Spiritseers is that I don't own any beasts, hate their mechanic and playstyle, and hate the dead-wraithlovers even more. Just not my cup of tea, although that combo is quite nasty!


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  12. Yeah, I know how you feel when it comes to the Archon, but at least I have learned to resist the temptations when the list truly needs an efficient HQ.

    Either that or play with the kit-out archon and then build an unit around him. :P

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