Monday, June 3, 2013

Eldar primary, Dark Kin secondary

What sound do Warp Spiders make?

After some soul-searching the last couple of days with the Eldar codex, I've decided to go in another direction.  Instead of using Dark Eldar primary and using Eldar secondary, I've flipped the armies to take advantage of Eldar's stronger grav-tanks.  This is what the current army looks like:

16 kp

Farseer (JB, Spear, Mantle) = 160
Succubus (VB, Haywire) = 75*

3x Jetbikes = 51
3x Jetbikes = 51
10x Warriors (Raider NS/SR, Blaster, SC) = 195*
10x Warriors (Raider NS/SR, Blaster, SC) = 195*

3x Trueborn (Venom NS/SC, 3x Blasters) = 156*

Crimson Hunter Exarch = 180
10x Warp Spiders (Ex/Spin/Fast Shot) = 225

Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
Night Spinner (Holofields, SS) = 140
Ravager (NS) = 115*

Another version at 1750:

16 kp

Farseer (JB, Spear, Mantle) = 160
Succubus (VB) = 70

3x Jetbikes = 51
3x Jetbikes = 51
5x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster) = 130*
5x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster) = 130*
10x Dire Avengers (WS, Holofields, TL Scatter) = 265

3x Trueborn (Venom NS/SC, 3x Blasters) = 156*

Crimson Hunter Exarch = 180

Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
Night Spinner (Holofields, SS) = 140
Ravager (NS) = 115*

At first, the looks incredibly skinny, but the amount of weapon options available to me is gigantic.  The Laughing Seer starts the party off strong with reliable and mobile psychic support, alongside a strong shooting force of 3x Eldar Grav-tanks + the Dark Kin's lances.  The Venoms help support the cause as well and the Warp Spiders are fantastic units at killing just about anything.  Drop them behind some and have them stalk other flyer's rear armor all day!  There was a good amount of horde vulnerability with the old list, but I think this list gives me plenty of poison, templates and large blasts to handle most threats thrown my way.

All in all, I think this force gives me a better chance vs. the Tau.  Having Fire Prisms reach out and touch stationary gunlines gives greater reliability at doing damage from range.  Unfortunately, the Eldar race is still too few to present much of a intimidating presence.  Which list do you guys like more?


  1. I'd drop the Spiders, as you already have plenty of anti-infantry to hurt people with. Get some more Troops, 26 dudes is low even by Eldar standards. Bring some more Jetbike squads, or beef up your existing ones. The rest looks solid, Tau are going to gun down your one Flyer pretty easily though.

  2. What you think about this layout?

    16 kp

    Farseer (JB, Spear, Mantle) = 160
    Succubus (VB) = 70

    3x Jetbikes = 51
    3x Jetbikes = 51
    5x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster) = 130*
    5x Warriors (Raider NS, Blaster) = 130*
    10x Dire Avengers (WS, TL Scatter) = 265

    3x Trueborn (Venom NS/SC, 3x Blasters) = 156*

    Crimson Hunter Exarch = 180

    Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
    Fire Prism (Holofields, SS) = 150
    Night Spinner (Holofields, SS) = 140
    Ravager (NS) = 115*

  3. Oh jeez, didn't see the second list in your original post. 265 is a lot on a squad that isn't even in 3+ armour. I'd drop the Avengers completely, you can get like five 3-man jetbike squads for the same price (or take fewer and bulk out your current squads).

    The rest is the same, so lol still good. I'd go with the first list, drop the spiders and take more jetbikers. 10-man Kabalite squads do serious damage with their poison spam and weapon options, and unlike a 5-man squad they'll take more effort to get rid of.

  4. "What sound do Warp Spiders make?"

    The sound of a man dieing!

  5. What do warriors in raiders do for you ? You got get in charge range to get rapid fire in which case Guardians are better since they can run back and avoid assault . Likewise the blaster born don't really work they will be targeted by medium range fire.

    The succubus doesn't add..

    I think as allies

    Truborn in Venom with night shield and 4 SC ( 24 shots at Heavy - stay back and blast)
    3 Wrack in Venom


    Vect is tempting for stealing initiative .,

    As far as Eldar don't know...too early

    Id swap 1 prism for 2 walkers you need lance shots
    6 Jet bikes are a lot tougher than 3.

    Get a hollofield and targeting matrix on the spinner go flat out ( you will be close and use the template for a 12"- to 24") .Flat out and the holo field will give a good save.
    Don't think spirit stones are worth it.. Not before you get holo
    Dire avengers seem pretty crappy compared to guard .. for the same price you can get a blob of 20 Guardians which are almost as fast as a skimmer .. Get 2 weapon platforms can take a warlock which bufs 20 figures ( Note the current grand tourney tactic of getting 50 man squads and put psycic powers on them) . And pumps out 40 TL rending shots ( if the Scatter laser platform activates) . I can see 5 being good for a special mission on the flank but not 10.

  6. The smaller Raiders are lanceboats and backfield scoring units. You don't move up with them, that is not their focus. Larger gunboats are used to kill units with rapid fire poison. I am still debating on what to do with other troop choices.

  7. ~120 points is a lot for 1 lance shot with some limited back field holding.
    Maybe maye the true born lances and get venoms you still get 2 lances but more SC for same prices. ( hemi and wracks is even cheaper)
