Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Who says Daemons can't be competitive?

Har har har..

It might not be fluffy, or fun to play, or enjoyable for either party, but Chaos Daemons have quite a bit of flexibility.  Just by looking at the codex, I can see some craziness arise.

Mainly these combinations:
  • A Lord of Change with Divination is probably the strongest of the GD choices.  Divination in general is just really strong.  The GUO with Lv.3 Biomancy is also a fair contender.
  • Taking Heralds of Nurgle with FNP, with AP2 weapons.
  • Troops should all be PBs with the Heralds, to sit in cover and take points, as well as being the most resilient of all the choices.
  • Take 3 Nurgle Soulgrinders with Phlegm to sit in Ruins and crap on everyone with 2+ cover and 36" S8 AP3 Ord Large Blasts.
  • Fill in the rest with Plague Riders, Beasts, Seekers or Screamers.  Honestly, you can pretty much freestyle at this point.

So what does this mean?  It means it's a really good time to be Nurgle.

The Plague Riders are great units, so are the Beasts.  With access to some kind of Divination in the army, the power level of just magnified to ridiculous amounts.  Unfortunately, you will not see me making any of these lists!

Here's a sample of what an optimized, competitive army could look like:


Lv.3 Lord of Change = 305
Divination, 2 Greater Gifts, 1 Lesser

Herald of Nurgle = 75
Greater Locus, Lesser Gift

Herald of Nurgle = 75
Greater Locus, Lesser Gift

20x Plaguebearers = 225
Champ/Lesser Gift, Plague Banner, Instrument

20x Plaguebearers = 225
Champ/Lesser Gift, Plague Banner, Instrument

10x Plaguebearers = 105
Champ, Instrument

10x Plaguebearers = 95

7x Plague Drones = 354
Champ/Lesser Gift, Rot Proboscis, Instrument

Soul Grinder = 180
Daemon of Nurgle, Phlegm Bombardment

Soul Grinder = 180
Daemon of Nurgle, Phlegm Bombardment

Soul Grinder = 180
Daemon of Nurgle, Phlegm Bombardment


Relatively static/reactionary army that hugs cover and shoots until the opportunity arises.
The Chicken helps buff the rest of the army with Divination spells, providing Prescience, Misfortune, Precognition...etc, as well as wacking people with his S8 Concussive Staff of explosions!

You know what's great? You can switch out the chicken, plop in a Lv.3 GUO with Biomancy, 2 Greater Gifts/1 Lesser for 290 and make the entire force pure Nurgle.
Change some unit sizes around for 14x (7x Nurgle #s) and you have yourself a "fluffy" list as well.

This list just brings the pain.


  1. Icon/banner might be more worth it on the plague drones (or other fast attack) since they will be up the board and positioned faster than anything else... and since you invested in 7 of them, they won't be going away very fast.

    I put together a few very similar lists... let me ask you what you think of the following:

    What about dropping heralds altogether, losing a few plaguebearers/trinkets from the 20 man squads, and instead fielding 2x greater daemons? Obviously heralds throw in a few extra attacks and FNP, but the plaguebearers already aren't very killy and will probably be getting 2+ or 3+ coversaves as it is. They lack killing power. Instead, you could go with GUO/Skarbrand, GUO/LoC, or even 2x GUO for pure nurgle. Gives you duality. Multiple backfield soul grinder threats, multiple mid/upfield greater daemon threats, plaguebearers everywhere, and drones to position/tarpit.

  2. Also.. here is a 2k Daemons/CSM list I was thinking up that gives offers several significant threats (Skarbrand, GUO, DP with Mace, Heldrake). 5 decent scoring troops, 2 of them capable of shooting instead of all melee. Rhinos help with mobile cover and dirge casters prevent overwatch. Plague drones provide a mobile icon for daemon deepstriking. Might be totally out in left field though.. just theorycrafting.

    GUO (ML3, 2x Greater)
    15x Plaguebearer (champ/lesser)
    15x Plaguebearer (champ/lesser)
    11x Plaguebearer
    5x Plague Drones (champ/lesser/icon)

    Daemon Prince (Nurgle, Wings, Armor, The Black Mace)
    10x CSM (2x plasma, rhino, dirge caster)
    10x CSM (2x plasma, rhino, dirge caster)
    Heldrake (baleflamer)

  3. I think you can get away with MSU PB play for sure. Just drop all the squads down, take 2 GDs and just go crazy with everything else that can kill.

  4. That looks good man. You can probably also squeeze MSU units for a cheaper CSM attachment.

  5. Yeah it looks like Codex Nurgle doesn't it? Makes sense after they dropped Codex Death Guard on us.

    I don't know how you are getting cover so reliably on such giant models. Huh all 3 Grinders can chill in ruins in cover every game. You must play a lot on City Fight boards. :)

    It's an ok book but lots of expensive multi wound units(considering krak missiles take them out)... except for the Nurgle units of course.

  6. The list that makes people cry in my environment is

    LOC 2xGreater 1 lesser
    LOC 1x greater 1x exalted

    10 horrors
    10 horrors

    DP TZ Armor Wings 2x greater 1 x lesse psyker
    DP TZ Armor Wings 2x greater 1 x lesse psyker
    DP TZ Armor Wings 1x greater 1x exalted psyker

    in 1850 (i may be wrong some points especially on the horrors numbers and maybe psyker levels- is from memory)

    e roll on exalted on rift bringer and takes also the glyph (especially if not get the bringer). The princes usually use biomancy for extra resilience. LOC roll on divination most of the time.

    The pressure 5 MC charging turn 2 can put on an army is intense and most of them fold. I think i was the only one who beat this list in my gaming group with some lucky rolls turn 2 of shooting and a grounding test who nailed his warlord first turn,
