Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year everyone!

Yup, pretty accurate.

Well, there was no apoc and we're all still here.

Looking back at 2012, I wanted to ask you guys what more do you want from this blog?  Yes, I know I know, activity would be great, but I can only write based on the events that unfold around me.  There's work, the family, the house, all that great adult stuff that keeps you away from your hobbies.  And then of course, there's motivation.

I can't really force myself to play games, it must happen naturally.  Lately with holidays and seeing family, there's hardly any room to break out the minis and get games going.  However, I've been doing some research into The Hobbit SBG and that might be something I get into.  I don't know, only time will tell.

What would you guys like to see in 2013?  More WHFB?  40K?  The billion other games I play?
How about another writer to help keep the site active?

Feel free to let me know.
Happy New Year everyone!


  1. More stuff on Dark Eldar as I think your previous posts on that subject were brilliant. Cheer from Denmark!

  2. more your insight and also the possible release of the new HE book this year.

  3. I wote for more WHFB, and thank you for great articles so far...

  4. I agree that your Dark Eldar posts were particularly good and more might even bring me back to playing 40k on a more than occasional basis. I'd also love to see any posts on warmachine as i've been considering that game for a while and currently Malifaux is my game of choice so if you for some reason got into that i'd value your insight there.

  5. I'd love to see more WHFB. Also if your looking for contributions, put out feelers for other writers that play specific games, maybe. Less pressure on you and you can take time to add in 2 cents on a game that is written about. Just my opinion.

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  7. More game design articles using whatever you like as examples.

  8. More guide and more updates that I am lookin forward to!

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  9. If a new HE book gets released this year, I'll be spamming games like crazy.. rest assured. I'll probably end up playing a WHFB HE game in the next couple of weeks.

  10. I just played a 2k DE game yesterday.. but it's not what you would expect ;)
    BR coming soon! Or if you can even call it a BR! :P

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