Friday, September 7, 2012

Updated 6th Ed. 40K FAQs!

Right here:

Some things that stood out after skimming..

Page 53 – Commander Dante, The Axe Mortalis.
Replace the entry with the “The Axe Mortalis is a power axe
with the Master-crafted special rule.”

Page 58 – Dark Eldar Wargear, Huskblade.
Change the last sentence to read “A huskblade is an AP2 melee
weapon with the Instant Death special rule.”

Page 45 – Astorath the Grim, The Executioner’s Axe.
Replace the first sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type -
- 6 2 Melee, Two-handed,

Page 55 – Typhus, Manreaper.
Replace this entry with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee, Daemon
Weapon, Force,

Page 48 – Khârn the Betrayer, Gorechild.
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
Gorechild - +1 2 Melee,

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Daemon Weapon (Lords with no
Mark of Chaos).
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- +1 2 Melee, Daemon
Daemon Weapon: This weapon gives its wielder +D6 Attacks in
close combat. Roll the dice at the beginning of each Fight subphase the wielder is in close combat. If the result is a 1, the
model may not make any Attacks in this sub-phase and suffers
one Wound with no armour saves allowed.

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Bloodfeeder.
Replace the second and third sentences with the following
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee, Bloodfeed,
Daemon Weapon,
Bloodfeed: A model with a Bloodfeeder gains 2D6 Attacks
rather than D6. If either dice rolls a 1, the model does not
attack and suffers one Wound as described above (not one
Wound for each 1 rolled).

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Plaguebringer.
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee,
Daemon Weapon,
Poisoned (4+),

Page 93 – Daemon Weapons, Blissgiver.
Replace the last sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee,
Daemon Weapon,
Instant Death,

Q: If Chaos Space Marines are allied to Chaos Daemons, do they roll
for scatter if Deep Striking within 6" of a Chaos Icon carried by a
Chaos Daemon model? (p81)
A: If the wording on the Chaos Icon’s description refers to ‘all
friendly units’, then yes. If not, then the Chaos Icon only
affects the specific units referred to in its description.

Page 85 – Special Equipment, Wings.
Replace this entry with “Infantry models equipped with wings
add ‘Jump’ to their unit type. Daemon Princes with wings add
‘Flying’ to their unit type.”

Q: What happens when a Farseer with Runes of Witnessing rolls for his
Psychic test when there is an enemy Farseer with Runes of Warding on
the battlefield? (p26)
A: The two pieces of wargear cancel each other out; neither
takes effect..
Q: Are the e ects of the multiple Runes of Warding cumulative (i.e. two
Runes of Warding in range would cause the character to roll 4D6 when
taking psychic tests)? (p26)
A: No.

Q: Do Dark Eldar allies count as Eldar for the Farseer psychic
powers Fortune and Guide? (p28)
A: No.

Q: Do Haywire weapons, vibro-cannons and D-weapons (D-cannon,
wraithcannons, etc.) affect fortifications in the same way they do
vehicles? (var)
A: Yes.

Q: Can Vibro Cannons hit Zooming Flyers or Swooping Flying
Monstrous Creatures, if the line drawn by the Eldar player touches these
models? (p45)
A: No. They can, however, hit Hovering Flyers and Gliding
Flying Monstrous Creatures

Q: Does a Nemesis Dreadknight armed with a Nemesis greatsword have
4 Attacks at Strength 10 that, because of the Nemesis greatsword, can
re-roll To Hit, To Wound and Armour Penetration rolls?(p54)
A: Yes.

Q: Can a model take a cover save from the Jink special rule against
shooting attacks made by Hive Guard impaler cannons? (p47)
A: No.

Page 81 – Mindshackle Scarabs.
Change the first sentence to read “At the start of the Fight subphase, after charges have been made, but before any blows are
struck, randomly select a non-vehicle enemy model in base
contact with the bearer of the mindshackle scarabs.”

Q: Do units hit by lightning as a result of Imotekh’s Lord of the Storm
special rule benefit from the Stealth or Shrouded special rules due to
Night Fighting? (p55).
A: No.

Q: If mindshackle scarabs are used against a model with a force
weapon or a weapon which allows the wielder to inflict Instant Death
with a successful Leadership test, can the Necron player force the enemy
model to utilise this ability? (p81)
A: Yes.

Q: If mindshackle scarabs are used against a model whose weapon
gives them additional Attacks in close combat for any reason, are these
attacks added to the number of hits the model causes on their unit (for
example a Daemon Weapon)? (p81)
A: No.

Page 410 – Reference, Profile, Codex: Grey Knights, Paladins.
Change unit type to Infantry.

Page 411 – Reference, Profile, Codex: Space Wolves, Wolf Guard.
Change unit type to Infantry.

Page 413 – Reference, Profile, Codex: Orks, Nob.
Change unit type to Infantry and add the following Designer’s


  1. Even bigger, Nobs and Wolfguard are characters only when leading units, and look out sir goes to the closest model... bye bye Nob bikers!

  2. Long time fan of the blog. I am very excited about the new FAQ changes. Happy that GW got off their bums.
