Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pure Grey Knights Tactica

Before you read this tactica, you have to understand one key thing:

This a tactica dedicated to playing with half of the Grey Knights army book.  You will not have access to any Inquisitors, Henchmen, Assassins or crazy space monkeys.  If you want to play with those units, please close out of this tactica immediately.

If you're still here, that means you're ready to play a real man's game.  You will play an army that's so elite that no other army can match you in the battlefield when played correctly.  Whether that proves to be correct or not depends entirely on you.  You will be handicapped and you will face bad match-ups time and time again.  To emerge victorious means nothing, for tomorrow you will face another enemy.  To suffer defeat also means nothing, for tomorrow you will walk onto the battlefield and try again.  You have given your life to the Chapter and you know no fear.  Be prepared to be taught the ways of pure Grey Knights.

UPDATED: 2:46pm PST, 12-1-11

Now that we have laid the ground rules, I'll tell you a little bit of how things work here on my blog.  I am a competitive player and I do not waste my time on units that I find lackluster or ineffective on the battlefield.  If you want to be a competitive PGK player, you have to realize that not only are your options rather limited, but your list building techniques have to be even sharper than before if you want to survive.  Pure Grey Knights is not a casual exercise for the brain, it's a test of player skill and a firm understanding of the army's strengths and weaknesses.  With such a strict doctrine in mind, only the strongest unit choices that have the highest degree of tactical application will be used.  Everything else can suck shit.

As such, the following units will be talked about on this blog:

Lord Kaldor Draigo
Castellan Crowe
Grand Master
Purifier Squad
Paladin Squad
Terminator Squad
Strike Squad
Interceptor Squad
Purgation Squad
Nemesis Dreadknight
All Dreadnoughts and vehicles are safe to use

This leaves us with only 13/17 pure Grey Knight choices viable for competitive play.  If you don't agree with me, too bad.  I won't tell you why I cut the Mordrak, Stern, the Brother Champion or Thawn, that's for you to figure out for yourself.  It won't take you long if you study the codex.

Now let's move onto the unit bucket:

Grand Master

You want this guy in every single list you're going to make.  His upgrade potential is amazing and the special rule he offers is fantastic.  The main reason you take the Grand Master is for Grand Strategy.  He can make units Scout, count as scoring, re-roll 1s to wound for the rest of the game, or get the Counter-Attack USR.  Since he can carry special grenades only available to a select group of HQs, his job will be to assist your units in CC with said grenades.  He is a support hero, not a fighter.  That's why you always keep him safe with his NFS for that lovely 3++ in CC.

Recommended configuration:
Grand Master (Psycannon, Blind, Rad) = 240

Feel free to add some Servo-skulls in there if the mission calls for it.  Skulls give your army flexibility and that's always important when choosing when and where to come in.  The Psycannon is there because PGK need all the anti-tank they can take, Blind Grenades gives his unit Defensive grenades and Rad Grenades nerfs a enemy unit's Toughness by 1 in assault.  This means your already godly soldiers will steamroll most things they touch in CC as long as the Grand Master is present.  Remember:  His role is support, not front line battle-beast.  With only 3 attacks and no EW, he's not very eager to get into combat.  Feel free to swap out the Psycannon for a basic Incinerator if you think you got enough AT.


You will keep him at level 2 and you will give him powers to take instead.  Mastery Level 3 is not needed but psychic diversity is definitely a must.  As for weapon upgrades, the most cost-effective option is the default NFS.  A 4++ Invul in CC is definitely a lot more than what other Psykers have so that's always a good thing. As for psychic abilities, these are the ones I find most useful.  I will rank them in order of importance as well:

Might of Titan
Warp Rift

The other abilities are either crap or not really meaningful in actual games.  Shrouding is at the top of the list because a 3+ cover save is godsend for an army with very few models and no Storm Shields.  Summoning gives you the ability to summon aid whenever you please and another layer of tactical displacement.  Might of Titan and Quicksilver gives you the ability to tear apart Land Raiders or outspeed anything in the game in CC.  Sanctuary provides assault defense and Warp Rift is just for lols because it's a template based weapon that's not as powerful as JotWW.

Recommended configuration:
Librarian (Shrouding, Summoning, Might and Sanctuary) = 170

The key ones to have every game is Shrouding, Summining and Might.  Quicksilver can be interchanged with Sanctuary if your army is full of Halberds (which it should be).  The Librarian is a support hero and should not be used as frontline CC character.  He is pure utility and his psychic powers should help compliment any weaknesses your army may have, including psychic defense because he's the only one with a hood.

Draigo and Crowe

These guys should only be used to unlock Paladins and Purifiers as troops.  Draigo is too expensive for competitive play, but he does have a role in all Paladin lists.  Crowe is possibly the worst SC to ever exist.  Crowe should be reserved and walked on and out of LoS every game to prevent getting him killed.  He's only there for the Purifiers.

Grey Knight Strike Squad

These guys are your standard bread and butter marines.  They form the backbone of most PGK lists and the fact that they can take Rhinos now adds to their worth.  Even though they only have 1 attack, each GKSS comes with a Force Weapon and Storm Bolter.  The ideal way to use these guys is to ship them up mid-board and bunker down to provide fire support for the rest of your army.  In terms of application, these guys are NOT your go-getters.  They are support units that count as scoring and thus they should be used exactly as that.

Recommended configuration:
10x GKSS (Rhino, MC DH, 2x Psycannons) = 275

The Justicar can MC his Daemonhammer and you should have one for every 10 GKSS.  In terms of functionality the DH functions exactly the same reason why you would have a Fist in a Tactical squad.  It produces guaranteed wounds when you would otherwise fail and that's exactly what you need sometimes.  A good example is rolling poorly to wound on a Trygon with everything until the hammer hits.  Not only do you wound on a 2+ but one psychic test and you blow it up.  Winning.

Grey Knight Terminator Squad

Thanks to combat squads, you can either go big or small with the unit and be on your merry way.  Not only do they count as troops but their weapon layout gives them plenty of utility.  In terms of Nemesis Force Weapons, the Halberd is preferred on any unit with 2A.  Going faster than your opponent is key in reducing the number of armor saves you have to make.  The less die you roll for your armor saves, the longer your units will survive.  This is a mathematical certainty.  As for how many Daemonhammers you need, I like to do a 5:1 ratio.  This means in squads of 10 you will have 2 and in squads of 5 you only need 1.

Recommended configurations:
5x GKT (MC DH, Psycannon) = 230
10x GKT (MC DH, DH, rest Halberds, 2x Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 500

In terms of cost-effectiveness, you only take the big upgrades on squads of 10.  Brotherhood Banner is a must on a big unit of Termies because the +1 attack and auto-passing your roll for Force Weapons is just divine.  The Psybolt upgrade on a full unit of Terminators is more cost effective than spending the same amount of points to upgrade 5.  How you use the units listed above is simple:  The smaller squad is a support squad and objective holder, the bigger squad is a go-getter and should be used very aggressively.  Smaller squads have a smaller footprint of how much trouble they can cause in a game and larger squads attract a shit ton more firepower.  That's why you need the extra bodies in there to soak up all the damage.

Another option is combat squads.  The big unit of Terminators above can split off in two different roles:  5x with the 2x Psycannons can be mid-field support while the BBanner and Hammers go off aggressively.  Thanks to Grand Strategy, you can assign battlefield roles BEFORE using combat squads so you can have 2 scouting squads of Terminators from 1 big squad.

Purifier Squad

Purifiers are basically GKSS on crack.  They do everything they can do but better because they have 2A, cheaper Halberds, Cleansing Flame and cheaper everything else.  Not only that, but you can take 2 special weapons for every 5, making a full squad of them as deadly as Purgation squads.  The only thing that sucks about them is that they're Elite, which can be overcome by Grand Strategy or by taking Crowe.  In short, they have no real weakness except for the amount of points you pay for them.

Recommended configurations:
10x Purifiers (Rhino, MC DH, Halberds, 4x Psycannons) = 340
10x Purifiers (Rhino, MC DH, Halberds, 4x Incinerators) = 300

The awesome thing with combat squads is that you can opt to take a Razorback and have 5 Purifiers fill the role of Purgation squads.  Not only are they cheaper but they have Cleansing Flame and 2 attacks each.  Fearless also guarantees they won't run.  The two builds above provides a support unit and vicious go-getter unit that capitalizes on Incinerators.  Personally, I prefer all the Psycannons I can afford.

Paladin Squad

Paladins are basically Terminators on crack.  2W each with 2+/5++ FNP because of the Apothecary upgrade makes them virtually unkillable by normal means.  The sad fact is that they die just like normal marines to AP1/2 weapons that double their strength value.  Plasma weaponry will take a heavy toll on them and Demolishers/Vindicators will just tear through them like butter.  For the best results, Paladins need Librarians w/ Shrouding to make them truly effective.  This gives them that beautiful 3+ cover save that they all desire and therefore it's imperative that all big guns get silenced ASAP.  Remember though, if you take Paladins, you pay for what you get.

Recommended configurations:
5x Paladins (MC DH, Halberds, 2x MC Psycannons) = 330
10x Paladins (Apoth, 2x MC DH, Halberds, 4x MC Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolt) = 780

One of the biggest strengths of Paladins is their ability to Master-Craft anything.  This gives them a lot of flexibility in terms of what weapons they choose to equip.  For me, the most important weapon to MC is the Psycannon.  S7 Rending is going to take care of business most of the time, all you need to do is hit.  Take advantage of your ability to MC weapons of great importance but keep an eye on your points.  Keep the halberd to hammer ratio 1:5 again and only add an Apothecary if you're taking a squad over 5.

Interceptor Squad

These guys are basically GKSS that count as Jump Infantry.  Even though they move 12" normally, the best thing about these guys is that they can make a once in a game 30" shunt.  This means they can suddenly appear on your enemies' flank or get shots at rear armor.  They're slightly more expensive than normal GKSS, but the utility they can offer in your list is definitely desirable.  Keep in mind that they're Jump Infantry so you can DS them directly into battle if you so desire.

Recommended configuration:
10x Interceptors (MC DH, 2x Psycannons, Psybolts) = 315

Expensive?  Sure.  Keep in mind that the GM can make these guys scoring and the 30" shunt scoring unit is incredibly scary towards the end of the game.  Just be careful when you start teleporting around that you're looking for targets of opportunity.  This means vulnerable points on vehicles, troops out of transports and squads that absolutely need to be destroyed.

Purgation Squad

Even though Purifiers can put out a ridiculous amount of firepower, Purgation squads do several things that they can't.  For one, Purifiers can Astral Aim and shoot through anything they want.  This allows you to do all kinds of drive-by shenanigans where you place your vehicle between you and your target.  Sure, they get a cover save, but the fact that you're behind your Razorback and they can't see you while you can see them is always excellent.

Recommended configurations:
5x Purgation (Razorback, 4x Incinerators) = 145
5x Purgation (Razorback, 4x Psycannons) = 225

The first thing you notice is how dirt cheap the Purgation unit with Incinerators is.  Free Incinerators gives you a squad that's capable of rolling up and destroying entire units at a time.  The price is fantastic and no heavy support choice in the book can deliver the horde killing power as a Incinerator-based Purgation Squad.  The next choice is Psycannons of course, even though they might not seem like the best choice over Purifiers, always remember that they can shoot through solid walls and from behind a Land Raider to hit their mark.

Nemesis Dreadknight

There's not much to say here.  You have a T6 dude that's teleporting around with a 2+/5++ save and has 4W.  What's even more scary is the fact that he's a MC that can tear vehicles apart left and right.  With the Grand Master giving these scout, there's nothing stopping these guys from shunting on your flanks before the game starts and going to town on turn 1.  With that said, I would keep these guys cheap.

Recommended configurations:
Nemesis Dreadknight (Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator) = 235
Nemesis Dreadknight (Heavy Psycannon) = 170

The idea is to shunt towards combat ASAP and apply extreme pressure on the enemy flank.  Just like Vindicators, the more of these guys you have in your army, the more your opponents will freak out and concentrate fire on them.  For that reason alone, the NDK makes their points back in most lists.  The other reason is that they're running around punching vehicles in the face.


Does everyone remember the TLLC/ML Dreadnought that PGK players used back in 3rd?  The reason why is because we had almost no long-range anti-tank what so ever.  You what what changed between 3rd and 5th?  Nothing.  In the current book, PGK don't have access to anything that shoots over 24" that can bust tanks reliably.  All except for one:  The Rifleman Dread w/ Psybolt Ammo.  Every other Dreadnought configuration keep one of the Nemesis Doomfists in exchange for anti-tank weaponry.  Good thing you can always equip a Assault Cannon and give it Psybolt Ammo for a pseudo-Psycannon.

Recommended configurations:
Dreadnought (2x Twin-linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo) = 135
Dreadnought (Assault Cannon, Psybolt Ammo) = 130

If you're going for an aggressive Dreadnought that can advance and put down a hail of fire, definitely go with the Psycannon Dreadnought. If you're looking for dedicated Anti-Tank that can hang back and shoot a bunch, the Rifleman Dread w/ Psybolt Ammo is exactly what you're looking for.


The saddest little addition in the world.. forever enslaved to carry combat grenades for his better brothers..

Sample Army Lists

GKSS and Paladins

Grand Master (Psycannon, Blind, Rad) = 240
Librarian (+3 powers, Skull) = 170

10x GKSS (Rhino, DH, 2x Psycannons) = 270
10x GKSS (Rhino, DH, 2x Psycannons) = 270
10x GKSS (Rhino, DH, 2x Psycannons) = 270

10x Paladins (Apoth, 2x MC DH, 4x MC Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 780

Pretty generic list featuring a big unit of Paladins.  The GM makes them scoring and the 4x MC Psycannons from that one squad can break up into a firing squad.  The lone servo-skull from the Libby marks special locations that can be contested by DS Paladins or they can deploy offensively.  The rest of the list is just bread and butter GKSS, with no points for MC Hammers sadly.  The only other logical step is dropping the Rad Grenades on the GM, but I really like its persistent effect more than the re-roll.



Librarian (MC NFS, +4 Powers, +3x Skull) = 185
Castellan Crowe = 150

10x Purifiers (Rhino, MC DH, Halberds, 4x Psycannons) = 340
10x Purifiers (Rhino, MC DH, Halberds, 4x Psycannons) = 340
10x Purifiers (Rhino, MC DH, Halberds, 4x Psycannons) = 340
10x GKT (MCDH, DH, 2x Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 500

5x Purgation (Razorback, 4x Incinerators) = 145

This list features 3 full squads of Purifiers and a big squad of scoring Terminators led by a Librarian.  A very in-your-face kind of list, this list begs to be played aggressively.  Set up in mid-field and have the plentiful amount of skulls guide your Terminators down.  The Purgation squad is purely support fire for horde-style armies since the Purifiers and Terminators should handle elites pretty well.  Crowe is there just to unlock the Purifiers and everything else is pretty self-explanatory.  With 14 Psycannons in the list, you shouldn't worry about tank problems.



Grand Master (Blind, Rad, Skull) = 210

10x GKSS (Rhino, MC DH, 2x Psycannons) = 275
10x GKSS (Rhino, MC DH, 2x Psycannons) = 275
10x GKSS (Rhino, MC DH, 2x Psycannons) = 275

7x Paladins (Apoth, MC DH, 2x MC Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 560

Dreadnought (2x TLAC, Psybolts) = 135
Dreadnought (2x TLAC, Psybolts) = 135
Dreadnought (2x TLAC, Psybolts) = 135

This is a very balanced list that doesn't have a Librarian.  The Grand Master hangs out with his squad of Paladins while the entire army waits mid-field with your heavy support in the back.  The 3x Rifleman Dreads w/ Psybolt Ammo brings a total of 12 Twin-linked S8 shots across 48" every round.  There's plenty of firepower at the long-range and mid-range range band that your opponents will want to silence your guns.  Too bad they have to dig through a wall of Storm Bolters and Force Weapons for that to happen.



Grand Master (Psycannon, Blind, Rad) = 240
Librarian (+4 powers) = 170

10x GKT (MCDH, DH, 2x Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 500
10x GKT (MCDH, DH, 2x Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 500

7x Paladins (Apoth, MCDH, 2x MC Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 560

There is a lot of Terminators in this list.  Feel free to drop the Librarian for a full squad of Paladins, but I personally like the Libby in there to help out with psychic defense and Shrouding.  At 50ppm for each Termie and 60+ppm for each Paladin, you WANT that 3+ cover save as often as possible.


Draigo and Paladins

Lord Kaldor Draigo = 275
Librarian (+3 powers, 2x Skulls) = 175

7x Paladins (Apoth, MC DH, 2x MC Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 560
5x Paladins (MC DH, 2x MC Psycannon) = 330
5x Paladins (MC DH, 2x MC Psycannon) = 330
5x Paladins (MC DH, 2x MC Psycannon) = 330

The same principle as above with the Librarian and Shrouding except there's a lot more Paladins.  8x MC Psycannons should keep your anti-tank problems at a minimum.  All in all, there's 50 T4 2+ wounds in there, so it's pretty much the most army list you can think of.


Storm Ravens

Grand Master (Blind, Rad, Skull) = 210
Librarian (+3 Powers, Teleport Homer) = 180

10x GKSS (MC DH, 2x Psycannons) = 235
10x GKT (MCDH, DH, 2x Psycannons, BBanner, Psybolts) = 500

10x Purifiers (MC DH, Halberds, 4x Psycannons) = 300

Storm Raven (TLMM) = 205
Storm Raven (TLMM) = 205

GKSS and Purifiers go in the Storm Ravens and flat out towards the enemy lines.  The Librarian Shrouds the SRs and act as a beacon for the Grand Master and his retinue of Terminators.  Once they come in, the fun begins and everyone has a good time.  Well, mainly you.


  1. Good stuff man. This is the kind of overview we need for playing FOR and AGAINST this army.

  2. Nice write up Hero, I'm loving purifiers myself, but hating Crowe - just seems like such a waste specially since the model is really nice.

    What do you think about Psychostroke grenades on GM, and Redeemers for delivery vehicles for purifiers?

    There is currently a lot of hate on Whineseer regarding the Psychostroke grenades.

  3. I thought psycannon is 36" Range? Str 7, Heavy 4 seems like a good AT weapon to me.

  4. Great Article!! Right down to business, I like it a lot!

    What do you think about Razorback spam though? It works for Space Marine, and GK Razorback is only 5 pts more expensive.

    @post above, Psycannon is 24" now

  5. so grand master will make paladins as troops or just dargo will get this ability. I whant to make termy list. so is Dargo stats and abilities like Grand master ? Or grand master is beter?

  6. one thing I would recommand on paladins is full wound groups...then you can almost ignore plasma wounds...important are some swords in my opinion a 4++ save sometimes is sweet if you don't have cover with your shrouding...
    10x Paladins (Apoth, MC DH, MC DH /MC Psyc, Halberd, Halberd/MC Psyc, Sword, Sword/MC Psyc, MC Halberd, Banner, MC Sword/MC Psyc, Psybolts)

  7. "PGK don't have access to anything that shoots over 24" that can bust tanks reliably"

    Erm, Land Raider?

  8. Arathorn:

    Swords only work against CC wounds, so there's no reason not to take Halberds.

  9. Its nice to have a mix of both so you can plant some p.wep attacks on a 4++ dude.

    As for some of the suggestions, not convinced. The GM is sooo high priced. Id drop the psycannon on him, its a rip off. for 1 psycannon, you can get 4 on a purifier squad!

    Purifiers are awsome, Id take this load out for 10man squads:

    4 psycannons, 5 Halberds, MC Hammer. Rhino - 340pts

    A lot of pts but certainly worth it. Fearless, shooty, combaty & anti-hordey? Awsomeeeee

  10. So anwer my question plz

    so grand master will make paladins as troops or just dargo will get this ability. I whant to make termy list. so is Dargo stats and abilities like Grand master ? Or grand master is beter?

    Should i buy dargo? becouse i whant termie armie without pagk

  11. Personally, while Crowe is meh, the ability to have Purifiers as Troops wins it for me.

    I'm thinking of running 3 5 man squads in Ass. Can RBacks with Psybolt ammo, and of have those squads tooled with Psycannons, Psybolt ammo, some halberds, and usually 1 Hammer. Back them up with two small Interceptor Squads and 2 jumpy DK's and you've got a fast moving army that'll either put out a lot of long range dakka, or be in your face by turn 2.

  12. Lukas said...

    So anwer my question plz

    so grand master will make paladins as troops or just dargo will get this ability. I whant to make termy list. so is Dargo stats and abilities like Grand master ? Or grand master is beter?

    Should i buy dargo? becouse i whant termie armie without pagk

    Yes this qestion interest and me can you answer it.

  13. Both Draigo and the Grand Master have Grand Strategy. Draigo has better stats but he costs 275 and has no ranged weapon except for his psychic flamer attack. The Grand Master can make Paladins scoring, but only Draigo makes them count as Troops.

  14. Observe though that regular non paladin terminators are troops to begin with

  15. So should i buy draigo if i am going to make termies army?

  16. You don't need Draigo for a Terminator army.. Terminators are already troops. You only need him if you're going to make a Paladin army.

  17. I will make this list i think.

    Grand master+ equipment
    7 paladins + equipment

    Librarian+ equipment
    5 paladins+ equipment

    2 dread noughts with with assoult /lass
    1 full squad of 10 purifiers or purgators

    Dreadknight + tele
    Land raider crusader
    Land raider

    Grand master will be in crusader with paladins.
    Paladins with librarian will teleport into batle if possible or deep strike.
    purgator or purifiers squad will be in land raider.

    Should i change grnad master to draigo?
    Should i take purgators or purifiers ( or striker afterall)
    Will paladns will be able to teleport?

  18. You don't have any troops in there so obviously you need Draigo. Purifiers over Purgation in your list, and Paladins can't teleport.

  19. What is your opinion on Land Raiders? Would you take them to get your terminators into their front lines quicker and also provide some kind of support or would you just deep strike the terminators in using a combination of the Grand Master and his Servo Skulls?

  20. Land Raiders are good, but I find myself spending more points on bodies instead of LRs these days for PGK. Sample army lists tonight!

  21. At first I thought it was 1 long 2,000 points list. Then I realized THEY were multiple 2,000 points lists!!

    It was a shock to see how outnumbered GK can be.

    By the way, you must really like Paladins, don't you. :p

  22. If you're taking a squad to bunker the GM down, Paladins with a Apothecary is a better choice than 10 Terminators imo. That, and the fact they can take 2x MC Psycannons at ~7 models :) As long as they plant themselves in cover, I think they'll be a serious threat for your opponents.

  23. Hey Hero in your section for the Grand Master you say to take a MC Incinerator if you feel there is enough anti-tank in your list. But with Incinerators being a template weapon, and therefore auto-hit, is there a point to making them MC? Unless there is something saying that a MC Incinerator re-rolls one failed To-Wound roll that I missed somewhere.

    Also, is is true that it's possible to have a Dreadknight/Interceptor Squad use their Scout move as a shunt and then move, shoot, and assault on your first turn?

  24. Any thoughts on doing 5-man squads of paladins and giving them all different weapons for wound allocation shenanigans? Might be worth losing a halberd or two.

    I'm also interested in where that 3+ cover comes from.

  25. The 3+ invul comes from The Shrouding power that a Librarian has. Gives anyone within 6" of him Stealth.

  26. Sorry, 3+ cover.

  27. super thread dude. really helps me out to shape my deamunhunter army.

    i'm thinking of fielding next army:

    grey knight strike squad (10)
    justicar: Deamonhammer
    2 x psycannon
    7 x halberds

    grey knight terminators (10)
    justicar MC deamon hammer
    1 x psycannon
    1 x incinerator (give them more versatility i think)
    1 x deamonhammer
    6 x halberd + brotherhood banner

    heavy support:
    Dreadknightnemesis: great sword, great psycannon,
    dreadnought: 2 x twin linked autocannon, psybolts

    fast attack:
    stormraven:twin linked multi melta

    purifier squad (10)
    justicar: MC deamon hammer
    5 grey knights halberd
    4 grey knights psycannons

    vindicare assasin: yes an assasin! i love playing with this guy and i'm crap at rolling 6's so i need that extra AP! :p

    GK grand master:MC psycannon, blind and rad grenades, nemesis force sword

    GK librarian: termin. Armour, nemesis force sword, master lvl 2, servo skull
    shrouding, summoning, quicksilver

    the purifiers go in the stormraven, the termi squad is cut in two with one comba sq lead by the GM and one by the liby

    what do you guy's think?

  28. Nice article. What about listing some of the previous lists (e.g., TAGK o Paladin based) in regard of the 1500 pts format?
    Moreover, I like to think to be a competitive player as well, but I fail to understand the complete unusefulness of Mordrak. I mean, several of its flows are clear, but shouldn't he be a good tool to perform an alpha strike?

  29. I'm curious about how Mordrak will do too, Hatter.

    You know, Mordrak still has Grand Strategy. Which means him, his Ghost Knights, and another attached HQ choice (Grand Master or Libby) could Deepstrike in and first turn without scattering and be accompanied by (2)D3 Dreadknights/Interceptros using Scout shunt. That combine with the Libby's Shrouding and Summoning makes for one hell of an alpha-strike.

  30. as far as i remember the codex the sword +1 save is not only in combat...only the staff is 2++ in combat... and if you have narthecium and 4 psycannons I would not bother with psyammo for the palas..because there are only 5 models with stormbolters anymore..and one of them usually is sacrificed early to an S8/9 shot..for 20 points its ok but not autobuy

  31. I dont really get that Mordrak alpha srtike list.

    I dont have my BRB with me but, do scout units that are able to deepstrike, do so in turn 1??

    if so... Turn 1 DS SR???

  32. What about Brotherhood Champions?

    Otherwise, great analysis as always, Hero. Question: is there ever a situation where you would take a Brother Captain instead of a Grand Master?

  33. Firstly great article Hero lots of great info and it is appreciated that you take the time to write this.

    I would be interested in hearing your reasons for no tech marines as I think they could be very handy.

    1) They can add +1 to cover which combined with the Shrouding means a 2+ cover save and a very nice nest for all your psycannons.

    2) Cheap orbital bombard and conversion beam 2 AA weapons in my opinion.

    All that for 150 pts seems like a bargain. I have only had a glance at the codex so I may be missing something.

  34. Looks like you guys haven't been doing your research! I'll take some common questions on why I don't like the following HQs:

    First, there is no reason to take a Brother-Captain at all. The Grand Master is 25 points more and he offers Grand Strategy and +1 BS. That Grand Strategy is well worth the points spent on getting him.

    Second, Brotherhood Champions are crap because they're a 1W IC that contests with the Grand Master or Librarian for a HQ slot. I know which HQs I'll definitely be taking, and they add a infinitely larger skillset than the Champions.

    Third, Mordrak sucks because he's NOT a IC, can take 40ppm Ghost Knights that can't have any Psycannons. That means when he DS in on first turn, he's shooting Storm Bolters. Sure, you can attach another Grand Master to him for a lovely Psycannon companion, but now you're looking at a 600 point unit that's shooting 1 Psycannon. That's just bad.

    Now that that's over, let's talk about the Techmarine. I find him to be a little gimmicky and that's the problem. I included him in the earlier draft of this tactica but took him out because I couldn't find a place implement him on the battlefield. The idea way to ship him up mid-field is by Razorback and a split unit of Purifiers w/ 4x Psycannons. You have to first Bolster the ruins in the middle of the map (between you and your enemy) and that can go either way. If he over runs you, you have a problem, especially if there's a strategic point on it. If he doesn't, you have to babysit a Librarian for that 2+ cover when he should be running around with your Termies/advancing troops. The Psycannon nest is a good idea, but you're putting too much attention on 1 small area of the board when there's more to cover and take advantage of. Conversion Beam sucks at mid-field, Orbtial Strike is alright but it ups his cost by more than 50% on a 1W model, and he has to stay out of a squad to bring OS or Conversion Beam on another target because ICs attached to squads has to shoot at the same target.

    I guess the Techmarine would be fun if you want to play around with a Exterminatus build with mass Orbtials everywhere, but he's just too gimmicky because he needs too many conditions to be effective. My biggest concern is that you're spending 150 points in a 1W model, and that always worries me when there's other options in the book that can do more.. and is more point and click (like the Vindicare, or a Rifleman Dread, or Librarian..etc).

  35. So basically you skipped right over the fact that Techmarines can have rad and psychotroke grenades, which are otherwise found only on some HQ options. Good job analyzing the codex. In a Crowe/Purifier spam list they can be an excellent addition.

  36. Yes, I skipped over them even though they can take those grenades, and blind grenades. Still not worth the points imo. Don't like it? Tough shit.

  37. Good, someone just messaged me about the Purifiers/Techmarine strategy as well. Here's what I had to say:

    "I don't like Techmarines for another reason: They're static in nature and moving your Purifiers to attack/go-get objectives takes away their Shrouding/Cover bonus, so it takes away from the synergy in your list."

    I'm not saying Techmarines is a horrible choice, he's definitely better than Crowe (not hard), more cost effective than Mordrak, but enough as good as everything else that I listed. I might include him in the tactica at a later time, but not right now.

  38. My thoughts in a pure GK list like this is how your planning to ferry around the GKM and Libby? Footslogging them with a squad?

    More I look the more it seems to me that the core of the force (SS and Purifiers) will need those rhino's to get to midfield to be effective (24" and in) GKM and Libby left sorely behind with their TDA.

    Especially given our points clip is 1500 I have to say I am a little concerned about my ability to get a GKM in effectively

  39. Footslog the GKM and Libby in a termie squad so they can lay down Psycannon fire. Take advantage of cover, score when you need to and almost always enter via DS + skulls.

  40. Mordrak is an awesome grand master! Basically for 15 points over the cost of a similarly equipped grand master (MC nemesis hammer) you get +1WS, +1BS, +1W, and +1A. And that doesn't even touch on his special rules - he can potentially generate up to three terminators in a game, lowering his effective cost by 120 points.

    On the flip-side, he appears not to be an Independent Character even if you don't take his ghost guards. I am wondering whether GW will FAQ this as the Ghost Knights entry seems to imply he's an IC when you don't take his knights (but by RAW he is not).

    His biggest downsides are the inability to get a "cheap" psycannon in his squad and the lack of customization. As to the latter, the only real upgrade I would miss would be the psychotroke grenades.

    However, forming a retinue with his knights is a huge upside for me as it means you will likely get to use his hammer and I would be more likely to take a 4++ invul save on him considering that may result in a new terminator joining the fray.

  41. Until they FAQ Mordrak to have IC status when he's not with his Ghost Knights, I will not take him. If they do give him IC, he would be amazing because you can DS entire squads of Terminators/Paladins on the enemy army on turn 1. Indeed, his entry is a little confusing. Another thing to note is that the Ghost Knight's special rules in the back do NOT have the Stealth USR listed but the unit description clearly says they have Stealth.

    What's with people's obsession over Psychostroke Grenades? I find that with 15 points, Rad Grenades are the real winner.

  42. I hate these "Anonymous" people who say other people's articles are shit and that they are the best, YET does not offer any of their own qualified insights with back up reasoning and evidence.

    I consider myself a Freeloader in Warhammer community, which is bad enough. I think these guys are a lot WORSE.

  43. Yeah, I deleted his troll comment because it didn't even make sense. Everything presented above is straight from the codex :) The only thing I'm unsure of at this point is Master-crafting template weapons like the Incinerator. I don't think they have any effect as of now.. so you might as well drop it for 5 more points.

  44. Rad grenades are awesome too. I like the pyscho grandes as it hearkens back to classic RT and Necromunda type rules.

    After your techmarine comment, I looked at his entry again... did not realize he can take orbital strike. So for 140 points, he can park himself in bolstered terrain and offer artillery services for the whole game. The lance strike is especially sweet in what has essentially become Gridlock 40k(C)!

    I wrote up a quick Mordrak list:

    I think using him to essentially "place" the librarian's homer for the summoning will be a good denied flank tactic. Not too many people will want to close in on nearly 40 terminator CC attacks.

  45. Hero,

    Which list would you stick with for a tourny or to offer a hard beatdown to one of the big competitive lists out there?

  46. Mogrim Dark,

    I read your strat and it seems exciting. The one thing of concern is that there seems to be a debate about whether troops dont scatter if the librarian with a teleport homer uses summoning. Some people believe that the unit still has to roll for scatter since they arent arriving by DS, while the rules for the Homer specifies that it only works by arriving via DS.

    Hero, great post and thank you for the insight

  47. My question is are these lists suppose to be tournament competitive? Because the answer to that will determine my impression of the lists themselves.

    Overall I've found a lot to disagree with in unit reviews and preferred loadouts. Could be a case of personal preference but I feel like you've left off a lot of potential from most of the entries. Kudos though on putting out a tactica this fast though.

  48. Well, it's PGK. You can only do so much with 17 units that's considered pure. If you disagree, please share your opionions. What is this "lot of potential" that you speak of?

  49. You were asked about how you get your terminators across the board and you said footslog em or deep strike them.

    My question is in regard to your first list (GKSS & Paladins) and second list (Balanced).

    In both lists you have a GM and a servo skull, and a single unit of terminators, everything else is in a rhino or some kind of armor.

    In those lists I assume you took a servo skull to assist in a DS, but your GM needs to start on the board for that to be possible. So my question is where do you put your GM to keep him safe until the terminators arrive?

    Is this an oversight, or do you just plan to forgo the +1/-1 to the reserve roll and DS him in with the termies?

  50. Slight edit "In those lists I assume you took a servo skull to assist in a DS, but TO GET your +1/-1 your GM needs to start on the board for that to be possible"

  51. You don't have to Psychic Communion. I would rather have the GM come down with a full bodyguard, cock locked and ready to rock. In Draigo lists though, you can PC on first turn if he's on the field with his giant squad to get the rest of the Paladins to outflank and DS faster. The same applies to large Termie lists.

  52. Sample List 1 is wrong, you never paid for the Servo Skull. No big deal, but I stopped reading then...partly bcos that was wrong, mostly as it is after 5am and my eyes have to close sometime.

  53. First of all, thanks for the nice review/tactica. Very helpful.

    I test a list last night base on your sugestion and it worked nicely and smoothly

    The only thing I would suggest from my little expericence is, if you take a librarian to use The Summoning, then a Teleport Homer is mandatory.

    my anonymous 2 cents ;)

  54. Great tactica, I enjoyed the read and you definitely gave me some ideas on how to properly revive my own PGK lists!

    I saw a guy playing the Paladin Deathstar and he used Draigo, librarian and Techmarine all in the same unit and the Techmarine seemed to be quite useful since Draigo doesn't have Rad grenades (but is clearly a way better fighter than a stock GM). It also let him take a single Paladin as a second troop choice...although I probably wouldn't recommend that myself but the possibilities are limitless for not only "PGK" armies but for creating almost-pure Paladin armies. I think that's what makes the Techmarine playable - when you want to field Draigo but don't want to lose out on the Rads. Draigo + second GM (as an alternate way to get Rads) is probably way too many points even for a 2000 pt game since they overlap their abilities.

    Just some thoughts!

  55. Hi there,

    great articles, you give some great insight on make me want to start an army of them! As others, I too would be curious to see some sample lists for 1.5k or even 1k points games.

    A quick question: can the Stormraven carry Terminator models? Haven't seen the codex yet and the GW website says so. IF it really was so, would it viable as a ride for Termies?

    Thank you in advance,

  56. Yes, the SR can take Terminators and no, I wouldn't take them there. DS w/ the help of skulls is how I would bring them in.

  57. A quick correction—a friend who I trust implicitly has checked the codex in the black box at his local store and verified that Nemesis Force Swords improve your invulnerable save vs. shooting as well as close combat. Does that change up your recommended configurations at all?

  58. You need better friends. I have the book and I quote:
    "The Nemesis force sword increases the bearer's invulnerable save by +1 against close combat attacks. If the bearer has no invulnerable save, there is no effect."

  59. What would happen if I were to mastercraft an Incinerator?

  60. Its actually a good option imho.. mastercrafted incinerator lets you reroll rolls to wound.

    Btw, excellent write up! I am curious as to why you don't mention warding staves at all. They are expensive, but not much else in the game can boast a 2+ invul save in cc. What are your thoughts on them? I feel like they could be useful in a paladin squad against ID

  61. Warding staves cost too much to have a purpose. You should be killing most things in combat with Halberds so who cares.
    Spend the points only when there's nothing else to spend it on.

  62. Excellent write up Hero and pretty much what I found with the list when I play tested the PDF.

    JvK B)

  63. i have a question about shrouding doesent stealth give you a 5+ or 6+ in the open ?

    how would you get a 3+ i could see that in cover but for certain units naimly most elite units in the codex you want to maximize your effectiveness my moving and taking objectives not to mention using your force wepons in asault more damage is amust.

    so what exactly does shrouding do and does it give good cover saves in the open or does it just give the crap save till you find a nice wooded area?

  64. Shrouding gives you a total of 5+ cover in the open, since you get a 6+ cover save in the open which becomes a 5+ from Stealth. When in natural cover that save will then be a 3+.

  65. You only get 6+ cover if you go to ground in the open. So yes, you get 5+ cover if you gtg with Shrouding on in open ground. Not suggested, but a hell of a lot better than nothing.

  66. I'm a 4E Grey Knights veteran looking to update my list for the new codex, and my old list was built around godhammer land raiders. You may have already implicitly answered this, but: are you saying that you'd forgo the armor in favor of deepstriking your troops in, since they are so shooty?

    To elaborate, do you see a problem with deep-striking elites getting torn apart the turn they come in because of leafblower shooting?

  67. With the Grand Master's ability to give Outflank as well, I don't see Land Raiders being worth the points. That's almost another squad of GKSS in a Rhino, and I'd rather take those and shoot Psycannons instead of a LR.

  68. Got housed Thursday with two landraiders instead of more terminator goodness. The LR's just simply got shut down by shooting. My opponent had a Black Templar's list with 8 Cyclones and somehow had the tank hunters rule...

  69. I just want to point out that FnP on Paladins is a 75 point upgrade which can be better spent elsewhere. the reason being that any wound that bypasses a 2+ armour save is going to ignore the FnP save anyways and in an army where everything is expensive and points are vital to be spent with care, 75 extra smackers can mean quite alot. Sure 1 in 6 saves fails and that FnP ignores it half the time against non ap 1 or 2 weapons or normal wounds in combat, but if you haven't killed the attackers at that point you soon will in the large units of paladins that the apothecary upgrade is taken in.

    Good article though. i disagree on the usefulness of a Techmarine in such an army but I play differently to many people. :)

  70. I know you don't approve Vindicare assasins but I would like your opinion on this list.

    Vindicar Assasin
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    Dread, 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons, Psybolt Ammo
    Dread, 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons, Psybolt Ammo
    Dread, 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons, Psybolt Ammo

  71. Good. Vindicares are really good, feel free to use them if your darker side calls.

  72. i know you dont approve of inquisitors/henchmen, but tell me what you think of this list:

    grand master mordrak = 200pt
    5 ghost knights - 3 x halberds, falchion, daemon hammer = 205pt

    inquisator corteaz = 100pt

    10 purifiers - 3 x halberds, daemon hammer, 2 x psycannon , rhino = 311pt

    vindicare = 145pt

    techmarine - conversion beamer, orbital strike, 3 x servo skull =

    2 x strike squad - psycannon, razorback = 165pt each

    8 terminators - daemon hammer, psycannon, 3 x falchion, halberd = 400pt

    henchman warband - 9 death cult, 2 crusaders, chimera = 220pt

    henchman warband - jokaero, 3 acolytes with plasma gun, chimera = 146pt

    dreadnought - 2 x twin-linked autocannon, psybolt ammo = 135pt

    dreadnought - 2 x twin-linked autocannon, psybolt ammo = 135pt

    = 2496 points


  73. in the purifier sample army,would it be better to replace librarian with grand master?

  74. Nope.
    The Librarian is almost always better. Of course, if you think you need the extra scoring units over psychic defense, then go for it.

  75. where do you get grandmaster?I viewed the entire army product list in gamesworkshop and could not find any.

  76. Hero - I really was inspired by your lists up top and really liked the GM & Libby combo. Came up with a list and wanted your critique when you got a moment. This is what I'm thinking about running:


    Grandmaster (MC Psycannon, rad grenades, psybolts, and 3 servo-skulls)
    Terminator Librarian (MC nemesis sword, Digital weapons, 4 spells)


    4 paladins + 1 Apothecary (MC daemon hammer, Brotherhood banner, Psycannon)


    5 man GK Strike Squad (MC DHammer, Psycannon) + Razorback (Warp stabilization)
    5 man GK Strike Squad (MC DHammer, Psycannon) + Razorback (Warp stabilization)
    10 GK Strike Squad (MC DHammer, psybolts, 2 Psycannon)

    Fast Attack:

    Storm Raven(top weapon loadout, multi-melta) + (Warp stabilization)

    Heavy Support:

    Psyiflemand Dread (2 TWAC, psybolts, Warp stabilization)
    Psyiflemand Dread (2 TWAC, psybolts, Warp stabilization)
    Psyiflemand Dread (2 TWAC, psybolts)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,000 points


  77. Loading the SR with the GM, 10 GKSS, and non-warp Dread. Thought I could pull anything across the field for a counter-punch if things got heavy - hence so many warp fields. Plus loading the GKSS in vehicles with Warp-quake prevents deepstriking nearby if I took objectives and such (I regularly play against an all jump-pak BA army)...

  78. I like it, it's very solid and well-rounded. Personally, I'm not sure if you need the Apothecary in the Paladin squad. You can get away with more Paladins in there to deliver more attacks and more guns.

  79. Thanks for the critique. I'll keep the apothecary comment in mind. Only thing is my one buddy is making a tyranid army and I'm trying to think of a couple load-outs for my dreads to counter a massive swarm. As for the apothecary + paladins, their my libby's retinue. Was making my libby into an assault unit for going after monstrous creatures (hence the MC and Digi-weapons). Plus, having the libby attached to the paladins - he get FNP + the banner. Really killer combo if you think about it!

  80. Btw Hero - Do you have any 1K lists you would like to share with us in the peanuts gallery?

  81. Sub in a Librarian if you can afford it or if you want one, but stay with a cheap Ordo Malleus Inquisitor. Put in 2 Rifleman Dreads and fill the rest with GKSS in Rhinos.

  82. Thx - was trying to stay away from inquisitors in order to stay pure... But if the shoe fits!

  83. Getting in on this quite late, but am about to start a tale of 4 gamers type thing with some friends and have been re-energised(?) at strats etc for grey knights. Another techmarine question: what do you think of the idea of putting a techmarine with conversion beamer in a purgation squad to take advantage of astral aim?

  84. GK SS can deepstrike too fyi...

    also.. warp rift is way better than jotww. it penetrated vehicles as soon as you hit. jotww does nothing similar

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  86. Hi there Guys.


    I've read most of your GK entries and I found them very useful. I'm new to 40k and I'm working on my first, hopefully competitive, list. Here's what I have planned and I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

    HQ - 145

    Ordo Xenos Inquisitor - 117
    - PA
    - 3x SS
    - Psyker (Psychic Communion)
    - Conversion Beamer

    Retinue - 28

    2x Warrior Acolytes, each in PA

    Uses servo-skulls to aid DS and his conversion beamer. Generates a lot of threat, so he uses 2 henchmen to soak up some dmg. Nice and cheap HQ, synergetic with a DS concept of this army (SS and Psy Comm). Starts on the board edge. I would have given Storm Shields to his retinue, but: 1. points, 2. models (AOBR Captain as Inq and AOBR 2x Sarges as Henchmen, hence PA on all).

    Troops 510

    10x GKSS - 255
    - 2x PC
    - MCDH
    - PBA

    10x GKSS - 255
    - 2x PC
    - MCDH
    - PBA

    2 v. versatile squads, arrive by DS, will hold objectives, rain psy-bolt ammo :) can combat sq into monster/tank killers and fire support, depending on the enemy. Might equip them with incinerators (magnets), if I can free up some points.

    Elites - 825

    10x Paladins 680
    - 4x MCPC
    - 2x MCDH
    - 8x NFH
    - PBA

    Not much to say here. The idea is to CS them, hence no apothecary (I doubt FNP on them is worth 75pts anyway) and no BB. They will rain fire from their MCPC's.

    Vindicare 145

    Nothing to add, nothing to substract :)

    Heavy Support - 270

    DN 135
    - 2xTLAC
    - PBA

    DN 135
    - 2xTLAC
    - PBA

    I would've taken more of these guys if I could :)

    Total: 1750

    As you can see, I like shooting things and I like surprise attacks through DS, but, again, I don't have much experience so maybe that's why.

    Knights and Paladins are well capable of tearing enemies apart. However, I think I'll need to invest into those incinerators, but we'll see - I just can't find 20 points there to free up (HQ Retinue?). Obviously, if it's a 2k game, I will add Interceptors and some Inci.

    I also only went for the must have (in my opinion) upgrades, so a lot of useful stuff was left out. In fairness, GK are well equipped (and well priced...) even without any upgrades.

    Please help me hone this list :)

  87. Just a quick thought - Paladins can act as a 1-man unit. This will mean that the 'Holocaust' ability can be cast by each Paladin separately! Also, this will free up 20pts from PBA. I hope I'm not wrong though :)

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  89. First off I just wanted to say thank you HERO for making these lists. I'm sure you spent quite a bit of time making them. I especially love your purifier list! I did notice something though. If the Librarian has a MC NFS, 4 powers and 3 Servo-skulls then how is he 185 points? Shouldn't he be 190? Or am I missing something? I'm rather new to 40k so I was just curious if there is any specific reason he's not 190. I was also curious as to how Servo-skulls work and was wondering if you have any tips on how to use them. Once again thank you so much for making these lists!

    1. Should be 3 powers, good catch.

      Servo-skulls go in places where you're most likely going to DS. That's what I use them for.. that and to push back possible Infiltration units.

    2. Thank you so much HERO for replying back so fast! And also thanks for the tips on Servo-skulls too. I just recently got a grey knights codex and read up on them! Though it's to bad that they have to be removed once an enemy gets within 6" of though :/. I go up against a lot of Tyranids here so most of them are within that range by the end of turn 1 so I have to remove them :(

  90. I wouldn't worry about Tyranids as Grey Knights. Pretty sure Paladins single-handily walks through 90% of that book.

    1. So how should a Grey Knights list look if I wanted to defeat Tyranids? I've only been into 40k for about a month now and am trying to learn as much as I can from experienced players like yourself.

    2. Just take the 2K balanced above and see how you do. Maybe even cut a few points around for a Libby if you really want.

    3. Thanks again! I'll have to get back to you on how the list does but thank you HERO for helping a new guy like myself!

  91. The Great Horned RatAugust 6, 2012 at 1:01 AM

    I am a grey knight player since i normally go against guard or daemons i gave my dreadknight a hammer gatling psilenser and a heavy psycannon
