Monday, November 1, 2010

My 1750 BA, SW and DE

Blood Angels

11 kp

Librarian (JP) = 125

10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250

2x Sanguinary Priest (JP, 2x HFlamer) = 170

Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145

Predator (AC/LC) = 135
Predator (AC/LC) = 135

I could run Mephiston at this point level, but then I would only have 20 boots on the table.  I don't know about you guys, but I get really shaky when 2 groups of 10x ASM is all I have for scoring.  By dropping Meph and a AC/LC Predator, I can fit another squad of 10x ASM in there with the same melta-loving configuration as the other ones.  I find that to be a much safer option.  The 2x Sanguinary Priests on JPs will carry around some Hand Flamers and call it a day.  They're there only to spread the 6" bubble of FC/FNP love.  With 5 AV13 tanks on the table, I'll have plenty of shielding and cover against my enemies as I advance up the field in full speed.  The 11 kill points is also very low since I'm making my enemies work extra hard for each 10-man T4 3+ FNP unit kill.  As for psychic powers, I'll probably take Sanguine Sword and Shield of Sanguinius.  Unleash Rage can work as well since there's no such thing as overkill for Blood Angels.  At 2K, the Librarian disappears and Mep-shit-on you takes his place.  Add one extra AC/LC Pred and we're good to go.

Space Wolves

12 kp

Rune Priest (Chooser) = 110

9x Grey Hunters w/ WG (Rhino, PF/cbM, Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 243
9x Grey Hunters w/ WG (Rhino, PF/cbM, Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 243
8x Grey Hunters w/ WG (Rhino, PF/cbM, Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 228
10x Grey Hunters w/ Arjac (2x Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 368

Wolf Guard

6x Long Fangs (5x ML) = 140
6x Long Fangs (5x ML) = 140
LRC (EA, MM) = 275

The big squad of Grey Hunters w/ Arjac hops into the LRC at the beginning of the game and goes on its merry way.  I have 3 full squads of Grey Hunters in Rhinos with Fists, Mark of the Wulfen and Wolf Standards.  The sole Rune Priest is there with a Chooser and he'll be taking Murderous Hurricane (must have) and Jaws of the World Wolf as his psychic powers.  Depending on who I'm facing, I'll probably switch out Jaws for Living Lightning because it's overall just a solid power.  The theme of this list is mechanized Grey Hunters with fire support.  With such a balanced list, my Long Fangs can sit comfortably deployed in a optimal firing zone while the rest of my army waits for the prey to close in.  If long range harassment is capable of disabling my opponent's advance, my Grey Hunters will spring into action and deliver concentrated bolter fire into whatever is left.  Arjac Rockfist needs no introduction as he's capable of smashing through the toughest opponents without breaking a sweat.  In a squad of 10x Grey Hunters, he basically has 12 wounds since he can't be picked out in combat.

Dark Eldar

15 kp

Archon (SF, Agonizer, Drugs) = 120
Duke Sliscus = 150

9x Warriors (Raider NS/SR, Blaster) = 176
9x Wyches (Raider AS, Hekatrix/Agnoizer) = 185
10x Wyches (Raider AS, Hekatrix/Agonizer, Haywire) = 215
10x Wyches (Raider AS, Hekatrix/Agonizer, Haywire) = 215

10x Trueborn (Raider NS, 4x Blaster) = 250

Ravager (NS/FF) = 125
Ravager (NS/FF) = 125
Voidraven (NS/FF, 2x SF) = 185

I decided to switch out my Huskblade/Soul Trap Archon for something cheaper and more reliable.  The Agonizer combat Archon will go with the 9x Wyches w/o Haywire Grenades while the rest of the army advances.  The Wyches with the Haywire will zoom towards my opponent's transports with the help of Aethersails and get ready to disembark next turn.  The Trueborn will move up by my Ravagers and lay down suppressing Dark Lance fire while my Voidraven provides Void Lance support.  Most likely I'll keep the Voidraven in reserves since it can come out and deliver it's payload from 48" away.  The 2x Shatterfield Missiles should be enough for horde armies and Agonizers on anything that can get in close combat will be able to deal with most MEQ.  Hopefully this will be enough firepower for the army to last in shooting and in CC.


  1. Glad to see you haven't abandoned the Sons of Russ completely, HERO! :) Great list... One question though... in all your SW lists, you only take 1 RP... so many lists out there take 2 or 3. What is your reasoning behind this? Thanks for the lists, quality stuff as usual!

  2. Oh, it's just personal preference based on my metagame. I fight a lot of big bugs and wraithguard so Arjac has been helping me a lot with that. Besides, his fluff is fantastic and he's very manly. In this list, I could also change the Long Fangs to Vindicators and squeeze room in somewhere for another Rune Priest.

  3. PS - I would never abandon Space Wolves. They're the epitome of man in space :P

  4. Interesting lists.

    My question do you see them faring in a fight against each other? Ie, which list would reign supreme?

  5. Nice lists there HERO on all three accounts.

    With the DE list, why Haywire Grenades? For a 2ppm upgrade, especially considering all of the Dark Lances your list is packing, I would be more inclined to take either Shardnets or Phantasm launchers to reduce your opponents response to the Wyches. After reading Buffo's most recent batrep with the wych cult, it would seem the shardnets and defensive grenades are proving invaluable for keeping the Wyches around long enough to pick up the FNP token.

  6. Oh, I have no idea. Ideally, all three of them will be so evenly matched that there'll be no clear winner. After looking at these lists for a good long time and playing battles out in my head, I really think it'll based on generalship and player skill more than anything. Can you guys see a clear winner?

  7. Your Archon is 120 pts. Not 125. 60pts base, Shadowfield is 30, Agoniser is 20, and Combat Drugs are 10pts.

  8. Can I get a link to the BR? I ran Haywire over PGL or special weapons because I run into a lot of mech lists around here. I have a good amount of lances, but the ability to take down multiple vehicles with Wyches is really attractive. Columns of IG Chimeras look less scary this way.

  9. The battle report that Ahrimaneus mentioned of Buffo.

  10. " I double checked the codex the other day and it appears that the Voidraven's Void Mine can be used even if moved flat out. Since the bomb is dropped in the movement phase, there's nothing that prohibits it from firing."
    - Except that it states that it counts as firing a weapon, and you can't fire a weapon when moving flat out. One could argue that the no-firing-part only applies to the shooting phase, but personally I think that would be stretching it a bit.

  11. Have you consider giving your archon a blaster? With BS7 it comes in really handy, 88.9% chance of hitting is pretty brutal. Sure you lose an attack, but with the boost from combat drugs, that shouldn't be a problem.

    Depending on how the Djin blade is faqed, I would consider:

    Archon,djin blade, blaster, SF 125pts (6pw attacks, 2++, and a BS7 Blaster)


    Archon, agoniser, blaster, SF 125pts

    For a cheap dual purpose archons.

    Still it seems like a solid list either way. Looks like the Duke is going to be a common occurrence in DE lists.

  12. Here you go Hero!

    Buffo is playing 45 games of DE to display all the different kinds of units and their capabilities. Let's just say i'm eagerly following this blog haha.

    I agree on the Haywires being useful against mech lists and adding to the versatility of the unit, but I might make them better at their #1 job, CC, before I start throwing out haywire grenades. I'd at least spend the points on the shardnets before the haywires, if not the PGL as that only helps you if you get charged, whereas the shardnets help all the time.

  13. Thanks for the link man. I do like the idea of Shardnets though. Imagine taking Bloodbrides with 3x Shardnets, PGL and Lelith in there. That's a crap ton of attacks negated hehe. I don't know, probably won't be points effective, but it will be a hell of a lot of fun!

  14. You're right about the Rockfist. I mean, his name is the Man Mountain. It doesn't get any manlier than that. Thanks for the info on the RP. Out of curiosity, what would you sacrifice if you dropped the list to 1500pts? Or would you rework it entirely?

  15. Probably wouldn't bother with Arjac at all. He's only really good at higher point values when there's no targets or ICs of opportunity. At 1500, I would probably just drop a GH squad in a Rhino to make room for ~243 points if I wanted to keep Arjac, or drop him and the LR entirely for RBs w/ LC/TLPG transports for the Long Fang squad and add another GH squad in a Rhino (with the same config).

  16. Something like this :)

    13 kp

    Rune Priest (Chooser) = 110

    9x Grey Hunters w/ WG (Rhino, PF/cbM, Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 243
    9x Grey Hunters w/ WG (Rhino, PF/cbM, Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 243
    9x Grey Hunters w/ WG (Rhino, PF/cbM, Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 243
    8x Grey Hunters w/ WG (Rhino, PF/cbM, Meltagun, WS, MotW) = 228

    Wolf Guard

    6x Long Fangs (5x ML) = 140
    in RB w/ LC/TLPG = 75
    6x Long Fangs (5x ML) = 140
    in RB w/ LC/TLPG = 75

  17. Great, thanks, that looks roughly like the list I am planning to run now, but I am trying to do WYSIWYG, so...

    Rune Priest – Chooser, LL & MH – 110pts
    Rune Priest – Wolf Tooth Necklace, MH & JotWW – 110pts

    Grey Hunters x8 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 228
    Grey Hunters x8 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 228 Grey Hunters x9 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 228 Grey Hunters x9 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 228

    Heavy Support:
    Long Fangs Pack x5 – 2x LC / 2x ML and WG w/CML – 208 pts
    Long Fangs Pack x6 – 3x ML / 2x HB – 130pts

    1,500pts – 12 KPs

    I almost always play orks, so that's why the combi flamers. I have yet to face my friend's new army though (he played speed freaks before) but now he is running:

    Ghaz Thraka
    Big Mek w/KFF
    5x Mega Nobz
    20x Boyz w/ PK Nob
    20x Boyz w/ PK Nob
    10x Lootas
    10x Lootas
    Battlewagon – Deff Rolla, Big Shoota
    Battlewagon – Deff Rolla, Big Shoota
    Battlewagon – Deff Rolla, Big Shoota

    I am scared of those BWs... AV 14 intimidates me.

    Anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, I always learn something from your site.

  18. Whoops, that should be:

    Grey Hunters x8 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 228
    Grey Hunters x8 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 228
    Grey Hunters x9 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 243
    Grey Hunters x9 – MOTW/WS/MG and WG w/ Pfist & CbF – Rhino – 243

  19. How much is this game..
