Sunday, August 22, 2010

Feelin' some Warmachine

You know what game I like?  Warmachine.  It's one of the most down to earth, get in your face table-top games I've ever played.  After playing 8th Ed. Fantasy for a good long time and getting back into 40K as well, I think to myself:  I feel like I'm missing something.  Could it be the risk of instantly losing the game?  Could it be the more realistic cover system?  What about the more robust combat system?  Or how about the fact that the game is just faster to play?  I think it's a combination of all them.

So to show off some of my Cygnar army lists, here are the ones I've been playing with for a while:

Points: 35
Captain Allister Caine 
* Ol' Rowdy 
* Squire 
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) 
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer 
* * Defender 
Captain Arlan Strangewayes 
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution 
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator 
Stormsmith Stormcaller 

This is my eCaine assassination list.  It's hell of a lot of fun to play but it's not for the weak of heart.  Every move has to be thought of in the most extreme of detail and a wrong move can be mean the death of your caster or a vital piece of your game winning equation.  Instead of the Rangers and the Stormcaller, I can also opt to take B13 and Gorman for more gun utility and shenanigans.  eCaine can be played in a multitude of ways, but the method I prefer is by opening assassination lanes by pushing or by knock down.  Ol'Rowdy and the ATGM UA'd Defender can help in some of that.

Points: 35
Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane 
* Defender 
* Defender 
* Stormclad 
* Squire 
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team 
Captain Arlan Strangewayes 
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution 
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator 

This is my Siege list.  It has 2x Defenders to take advantage of Siege's Feat round and the Stormclad is there because it's a solid beatstick.  The B13 is generally a solid staple to most Cygnar lists and Reinholdt is just mandatory for that extra shot.  Arlan is good in this list since it takes some focus off of Siege, but he can easily be replaced by another utility merc such as Gorman.  As you can see, I like Gorman di Wulfe a lot.  His chemical bombs are just amazing at adding extra damage or blinding a warcaster for assassination.  Siege has enough utility by himself to make the rest of the army proud though.  He's seriously the only Cygnar warcaster that has an answer for everything.

Points: 35
Major Victoria Haley 
* Thorn 
* Defender 
* Stormclad 
* Squire 
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team 
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) 
Captain Arlan Strangewayes 

This right here, is my poledancer list.  The two big win conditions here is a clear shot to the enemy warcaster with 2x boosted Defender shots with TK and TA.. or a straight out charge from a fully-loaded bonded Stormclad with all of Haley's tricks and whistles to set up the kill.  B13 just because I can and Stormblades to do solid damage and act as a fire magnet.  They also provide the SC with a free focus so I can utilize Haley's focus to throw out more spells.


  1. I like the lists, but then, I'm partial to Gunmages (huzzah Ashlynn!)
    I do agree that I get something different out of Warmachine than I get from 40k or Fantasy. Is it something *better*? Maybe. But it is very different.

  2. Do you know much about menoth? I'm new to warmachine but I think I have a good handle on what my list does and what it doesn't do. Any thoughts?
    2x Paladins
    5 exemplar bastions
    6 knights exemplar
    10 exemplar errants
    covenant of menoth
    deliverer sunburst crew

    basically my ranged weapons take out as many little guys as possible since my army isn't all that big. knights hide behind bastions for concealment while i give bastions +2 ARM so they're harder to hurt. covenant makes my errants' weapons cause fire first, then prevents spell casting when the enemy is close. vilmon and paladins cause a rukus since only magic weapons can hurt them. all exemplar are weapon masters in melee so my feat turn hurts a whole lot. I'd like to add the exemplar errants solo and/or UA, but i dont know what i would drop. and i dont know that i even need them.

  3. I would suggest a couple of 'jacks with eKeross so you can take full advantage of his Feat. I would recommend the Avatar, the Crusader and maybe drop the Covenant, Sunburst and either the Errants or Exemplars for Choir. You can find more info here:
